Separately, about six months after I arrived, we hired a global cloud-computing expert from Netflix to serve as a “technology fellow” and consultant for our companies scaling their IT infrastructure. We made the hire because of a personal connection from one of our team members and a distinct need we saw in our portfolio at the time.My point is that we already offered, and still do offer, services that are relevant for our particular portfolio and investment style. We’re not trying to be all things to all people; we’re trying to double down on activities that can deliver real value to our portfolio.
In keeping with that, after conducting the CEO survey two years ago, we didn’t rush out to hire 10 new tech recruiters and an army of biz-dev hotshots. Instead, we wound up leveraging many of the staff we already had to launch a significant number of new events and programs. They included a high-level, day-long sales summit for our CEOs and VPs of sales. In April, our newest general partner put together a panel of data scientists to share insights with the data experts in our own portfolio. We sponsored a dinner for the “customer success” execs at our companies, and separately set up an online networking site for our private-equity CEOs.
And our entire investment staff, with the help of a new marketing staffer, organized more meetings and events to introduce potential CIO, CTO and CMO buyers to our portfolio companies.And yes, we also hired a PR firm and launched a new blog, though the PR firm is mainly tasked with helping our early-stage companies, not us.One thread running through all these activities is a deep connection to our core investing team. General partners attend nearly all of these events, help shape them and participate in follow-up. Though we’re doing more these days with services, we don’t feel we’re straying from our core mission, as some services critics charge.
We’re still assessing the exact ROI for our efforts, which could be lumped under the term “marketing”. But the anecdotal feedback we’ve received has been gratifying.Our CEOs seem genuinely excited to get access to a high-octane sales consultant at a group event that many of them could not afford themselves. Others can trace new sales back to introductions made at our match-making events, or investment-bank conferences we’ve helped them access. Sometimes they just enjoy having dinner with colleagues working in the same job at another company. To us, this is just doing our job.
今年は、代理店から商品仕入れをしたが、希望した時期に商品が入荷しなかったので、次回は、弊社から商品仕入れをしたいそうです。新しい代理店とは取引がないので、弊社と取引をしたい。代理店に在庫がなくて、商品の追加発注ができなくて、売り逃しがあった。今年 商品に人気があったので、来年は取り扱いをして店舗で販売したい。代理店が商品を卸さないので、弊社から商品を購入したい。商品が、きちっと納期どおりに入荷する問屋から購入したい。
They made procurement from an agent this year but they said they want to procure from us from the next time because the products were not delivered by requested due. Because they didn't do business with a new agent, they want to work with us. Because the agent didn't have products in stock, they were not able to place additional orders, resulted in lost opportunities. Because the product was popular this year, they want to sell it at their retail stores next year. Because the agent doesn't provide them with the product, they want to procure from us. They want to procure from the distributor who can deliver products by requested due.
PopUp Immo set to take their retail revolution around the globeOften the most elegant and successful business ideas are the most straightforward ones. PopUp Immo is looking to address two pressing, basic needs – brands’ need for visibility with customers at minimal financial investment and commercial real-estate owners’ need to fill their space. With their launch last year, they’ve quickly become the top marketplace in France connecting brands and advertisers with the commercial real-estate sector to create exceptional Pop Up store experiences.
PopUp Immoが小売り革命を世界展開へ最も優雅で成功裏なビジネスのアイディアは往々にして非常に単純明快なものだ。PopUp Immoは2つの非常に重要だが基本的なニーズに応えようとしている。ブランドは最小の投資で顧客認知を確保したい。また、事業用不動産物件のオーナーはテナントを埋めたい。昨年のローンチ以降、PopUp Immoはブランド及び広告主と事業用不動産セクタを結びつけるマーケットプレースとして直ぐに空き物件を次々と埋める例のない効果を発揮し、瞬く間にフランスでこの分野のトップのマーケットプレースへと成長を遂げた。
Before PopUp Immo there was essentially no cost-effective way for smaller brands or brands not based in Paris to engage directly with their customers at retail. What these brands really wanted to test the Paris or French market at low financial risk to them. To do this they needed flexibility as well as visibility on the cost of booking a boutique for two or three days.Prior to our launch there was no marketplace like this, meaning essentially that there was no transparency or efficiency around this type of service. As the leading marketplace in France offering rental of short-term retail space, we’re addressing a real, basic need.
PopUp Immoの登場前は、パリに拠点を持たない小規模ブランドが小売店舗で直接お客様と接点を持つのに経済的な方法はなかった。こういうブランドが必要としていたのは、経済的なリスクを抑えつつパリやフランスをテストマーケティングすることだった。実現にはブティックを2~3日間だけ借りることのできる柔軟性とコストの見える化だった。我々のローンチ以前は我々のようなマーケットプレースはなく、つまりこの手のサービスには透明性がなく非効率的だった。フランスにおける短期レンタルスペースのリーディングマーケットプレースとして、我々は基本的だが現実的なニーズに応えている。
The ability to launch a Pop Up store also gives an edge to these brands because they can communicate and leverage social networks to bring their fans to their store and connect with them afterwards. In many ways we’re both an online-to-offline and an offline-to-online solution.Who specifically do you think is most drawn to what PopUp Immo can offer?Think about all the American brands that want to come to here to test the Paris market, all the ecommerce platforms who can’t meet their customers directly, or all the PR or advertising firms who are bidding for contracts with big brands and can offer them this approach which will give them better ROI that pretty much any online marketing campaign.
PopUp Immoはソーシャルネットワークを活用しコミュニケーションをとれる利便性も提供し、顧客ブランドが借りた店舗にファンを集客したり後からつながったりすることが可能だ。いろんな点で我々はオンラインとオフラインを両方向につなぐソリューションなのである。PopUp Immoが特にどんな人から注目されていると思いますか?パリでテストマーケティングを実行したいアメリカのブランドや、顧客と直接的な接点を持ちたいと考えるeコマースプラットフォーム、そして大手ブランドからの契約に入札するPRや広告代理店などに対して、PopUp Immoのアプローチはどんなオンラインのマーケティングキャンペーンよりも優れたROIを提供する。
Another advantage which we didn’t anticipate is that pop-up stores are also bringing more life back to particular areas of Paris. After we launch a Pop Up store and the brand does a good job at communicating and delivering an experience, people want to come back to the area. For example, last December we had a collective of 10 small men’s accessories brands come together to book a Pop up store on small street in the Sentier district. They promoted like it crazy and the store became the top Pop up store during that month. Following that success, we now we have all types of brands wanting to book that space.How are you reaching the owners of these spaces to get them on your platform?They’re now contacting us.
他の利点として、当初予期してはいなかったが、パリの特定地域の活性化がある。ブランドが店舗を借り、コミュニケーションと実際の営業で成功すると、その地域の人気があがるのである。例えば、昨年12月に小規模の男性用アクセサリーのブランドが10社共同でサンティエ地区の小路で店舗を借り、プロモーション攻勢をかけ、12月の間の営業が成功すると、いまや様々なブランドがその店舗を借りたがっているのである。物件のオーナーにどう連絡してPopUp Immoのプラットフォームに参加して貰っていると思いますか?いまやオーナーさん達が我々にコンタクトしてくるのである。
We really are helping both sides of the marketplace. For private owners and real estate agents they have a few issues. Many really want to reinvent the DNA of the space. Others just want to rent the space temporarily until they can find a more permanent long-term tenant. So as with brands, we can offer owners and agents flexibility.What about all the services around it. Do you help in the conception of the Pop up store experience (design, promotion, etc)?Not yet. We’re still a very small team and if we expand into an agency business where we connect brands with designers, advertising agencies, etc, you can create an ecosystem around PopUp Immo.
我々はまさにマーケットプレースの両サイドに貢献している。個人オーナーや不動産代理店にはいくつかの問題がある。その多くは物件のDNAを再発明したいと考えている。長期のテナントが見つかるまでの間だけ一時的に物件を貸したいという者もいる。ブランドに対するのと同様に、オーナーと代理店に柔軟性をもたらしているのである。関連サービスについてはどうか。店舗の企画(デザイン、プロモーションなど)を支援しているか?まだできていない。我々はまだ非常に小さなチームだが、もしエージェント業も手がけるよう事業拡張し、ブランドをデザイナーや広告代理店などと結びつけるようになれば、PopUp Immoを中心とするエコシステムを創ることができると考える。
But the problem is that it’s not completely scalable, it requires more people and resources, and it really is a different type of business. It doesn’t mean we won’t expand into that in the mid-term, but for now we want to focus first on the marketplace.I understand you were a finalist at last month’s B Dash Camp, an exclusive event for some of tech’s best and brightest in Fukuoka, Japan. Tell me a bit about that.I was proud and extremely happy to just have gotten the chance to attend, let alone to reach the final phase of the competition. Initially my plan in going was to test the market and show to the world that there is a French company offering an innovative solution for retail space.
しかし、エージェント業の問題はスケールしないということであり、より多くの人手とリソースが必要となる点である。また、事業の性質も全く異なる。とはいえ、中期的にも事業拡張するつもりがないということではなく、いま現在はまずマーケットプレイスに集中するということなのだ。あなた(PopUp Immo)が先月のB Dash Campで決勝に進出されたのを存じています。B Dash Campといえば、日本の福岡で開催される完全招待制の、テクノロジー企業向けの最高かつ輝かしいイベントである。その時の話を少しお聞かせください。私は参加する機会を得ただけで非常に光栄に思っており、ましてコンペで最終選考に残るなど考えもしなかった。もともとのプランは福岡でテストマーケティングを実施し、フランスにも小売り分野で革新的なソリューションを提供する企業がいると世界に発信しようと考えていただけである。
The fact that I was a finalist was a big surprise because there were truly some other fantastic projects as well. Just being there for me was like the final. Being the only European company as a finalist and having such great feedback after the final was a big success for us. What I realized is that we’ve really developed a compelling story around the marketplace and that’s a unique angle.I understand you also traveled to Hong Kong during your visit to Asia last month. What are your thoughts on opportunity in Japan and elsewhere in Asia?I’ll start with the Japanese market, which is very unique and has several appealing characteristics for PopUp Immo. Customers have a lot of purchasing power.
他にも非常に素晴らしいプロジェクトがあったので、決勝まで進んだのは本当に驚きだった。自分にとってB Dash Campに参加すること自体が決勝のようなものだったから。決勝に進出した唯一のヨーロッパ企業となり、決勝戦の後に素晴らしいフィードバックを貰えたことは大きな成功です。実感できたことは、マーケットプレイスを中心に説得力あるストーリーを創りあげることができた、しかもそれが特徴的な切り口なのだ、ということである。先月のアジア訪問で香港に行かれましたが、日本とその他のアジアでの市場機会についてどう考えていますか?日本市場は事業開始しようと考えている。日本は非常に特徴的でPopUp Immoにとって魅力的な点がいくつもある。お客の購買力も高い。
They love and enjoy brands. There’s a very high vacancy rate in Tokyo. When you bring these aspects together, it makes a really interesting opportunity for us. My biggest concern is to be able to find local expertise and be able to put in place PopUp Immo fully tailored to Japanese customers. I met some very skilled people on the VC-side, entrepreneurs and others that stressed that there was real market there for PopUp Immo. For example, we can be a bring between Europe and Japan just by offering retail space.
日本人はブランド好きである。東京の空室率は非常に高い。これらの面をあわせてみると、我々にとって市場機会は非常に大きいと考える。最大の懸案は、東京で優秀な人材を雇用できるか、PopUp Immoを日本の顧客嗜好に合わせることができるかという点だ。ベンチャーキャピタルやアントレプレナー他の非常に優秀な人達から、本当にPopUp Immoの市場機会が存在すると言って貰っている。例えば、単純な貸店舗の提供を通じてヨーロッパと日本をつなぐことができるだろう。
Two amazing and viable options for PopUp Immo, but to grow in these markets we’re definitely going to need more resources, especially local talent.What about competition? I imagine there’s an increasing number of startups in this space?We’re really keeping our eye on the competition, particularly one in the UK that recently raised a lot of money and one in the US. So far, however, we have been able to do with few resources what our competitors have done with a lot more. I want to very quickly build on the interest we’re getting from increasingly large brands, as well expand to new markets such as London and East Asia, where we want to have the first advantage there.
PopUp Immoには驚きの、でも現実的な選択肢が2つある。しかし市場での成長を維持拡大するにはリソース、特に地元の優秀な人材の拡充が必要だ。競合について、我々の事業分野でさらにスタートアップが増えると考えているか?競合他社については注視しており、特にイギリスで最近大きな資金調達をした一社と、アメリカの一社に注意している。だが、現在までのところは、競合が我々よりも多大なリソースを要したことを少ないリソースでやってこれている。大手ブランドからの注目が増えており、急いで固めたいと考えている。また、ロンドンや東アジアなどに事業を拡張し、先行者優位を確保したいと考えている。
We are a store specialized in camera based in Japan. We provide quick and careful responses and shipment. We also sell on other website as well as at the store. We have a lot of valuable items rarely become available.First come first served, hurry for order and get them quick!!
Thank you for shipping the product and CD. It is OK for not having a tracking number. 2 boxes were already delivered. I will contact you, if it takes very long for the remaining 2 boxes to arrive.
6/6(土) 名古屋「music」リリースイベント詳細発表! ※イベント内容は予告なく変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。※雨天の場合でもイベントは実施予定ですが、荒天及び強風など実施が危険と判断された場合、または会場の設備故障や天災、交通ストライキなど不可抗力の事由により、公演実施不可能と判断された場合はイベントを中止もしくは中断・変更致します。その場合でもご購入頂いた商品の払い戻し一切行いませんので予めご了承下さい。
Nagoya "music" release event is announced in detail on Saturday, June 6th!* Event contents are subject to change without prior advise. Thank you for your understanding. * Even rain, event will be held. However, should the weather condition is unsafe like storm or strong wind, or by force majeure including but not limited to facility problems or natural disaster, strike of public transportation, event can be cancelled, suspended or postponed. Even such a case, no refund will be accepted for purchased merchandises. Thank you for your understanding.
Defective merchandises would be exchanged as long as all items and packaging are presented.* On the event day, there will be cameras for interviews etc. Guests can be a part of film. Thank you for your understanding. * Please refrain from waiting artists outside of event venue, because of inconvenience of neighbor residents. Also, please do not stay around event venue after event ends.
※徹夜で会場に溜まる、早朝からの場所取りなどの行為は、近隣住民の方の迷惑となりますので、おやめください。徹夜・場所取り行為が発見された場合はイベントを中止させて頂く場合がございます。※手荷物、レジャーシート、その他を使用しての長時間の場所取りは全てのエリアで禁止といたします。発見次第、スタッフ及び警備により随時撤去させていただきます。 特に同日に複数のイベントが開催されている場合、場所取り行為は各イベントの迷惑となりますので絶対におやめ下さい。
* Please do not stay overnight at event venue, nor spot saving from early morning, because of inconvenience of neighbor residents. If founded, event can potentially be cancelled.* Long hour spot saving by using your belongings, leisure sheet or anything else is prohibited in all area. Event staff and security will take them away when founded. Especially when multiple events are being hold, such will be very inconvenient for all guests, so appreciate your cooperation.
人がいる場合でも同様に、シート等は使用禁止といたします。 尚、撤去した物、及び放置されている物に関して主催者・会場・出演者は一切の責任を負いません。※会場への問い合わせはお控え下さい。イベント中止の原因になります。ご不明な点がある場合は事前にお問合せ下さい。イベント当日のお問合せにはご対応できない場合がございますのでご了承下さい。※施設内ではスタッフの案内にしたがい、観覧いただくようお願いいたします。
Even a person is present, use of sheet etc is prohibited. None of event organizer, facility, or performers will take any responsibility for removed items or unattended items.* Please refrain from contacting facility. It can cause event cancellation. Please contact us in prior for any question. Questions on the event day might not be taken care of. Thank you for your understanding. * Please follow staff guidance inside facility and watch the shows.