Why are there no major Japanese players in the global market like eBay?It turns out that mindset is the biggest problem. Before the internet age, Japanese has the mindset of doing business in the local market because its easy to do business locally. There was also no exposure to what was happening worldwide, which was further exacerbated by the lack of urgency amongst the Japanese. “With a history of a closed economy, the Japanese 1st generation of entrepreneurs are brought by with a local mindset, which seems to target only local market. However, with some success stories coming from Japan, things are certainly changing for the better,” mentions Teruhide.
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Echelon 2012の生中継報道記事をフォローしてくださってありがとうございます。Echelon 2012のセッションの模様をもっとお知りになりたい方は、こちらのリンクからフォローをどうぞ。
In a brief demo, we met “Sam” and “Mike.” Sam has a car and wants to share, and Mike is looking for a safe ride. Sam can use her browser to sign into Tripid and add a new route, including times, prices, seats available, and more. Mike can use his mobile device to search for routes, sees her route, and books it. Both users have ratings on the service to show they’re trustworthy. At the end of the trip, they press the “end” button and money is deposited into Sam’s account. Then they can rate each other. The trip also generates a “trip ticket” that’s viewable on social media.
短時間のデモに、「Sam」と「Mike」が登場。Samは車の所有者でシェアを希望、マイクは安全走行の乗車を求めていた。Samは自分のブラウザを利用してTripid にサインインし、時間・費用・費用・空席情報と一緒に新しい走行ルートを追加入力できる。Mikeは自分のモバイル機器を使い走行ルートを検索したり、自分の移動ルートを確認したり、予約することができる。どちらのユーザーも自分の信用度をサービス上で評価されている。走行終了後、「終了」ボタンを押すとSamの口座に入金される。それからお互いを評価し合う。その走行もソーシャルメディア上で閲覧可能な「走行チケット」なるものを発行する。
The market for transportation just in Manila is quite large: $15 million. Tripid wants to take a small piece of this, and enable people to meet up based on lots of different factors — for example, Lady Gaga fans can find each other and ride together.The Tripid team is quite large, and they’re hoping to solve a real problem. Between Manila and Indonesia, an estimated $6 billion is lost in productivity because people in both places are stuck in traffic on the roads.
One issue the judges were concerned about is safety. In a business like this, one bad story can kill the entire business. The other problem is that it might be easier for people to just pay directly in cash and circumvent the Tripid payment system, thus robbing Tripid of its cut. Tripid responded that safety has been a primary concern of theirs. The app includes a sort of “panic button” that allows people to ask for help from the community, although exactly how this will prevent passengers or drivers from potential harm or abduction is unclear. Other judges expressed concerns about competition, but Tripid stressed that the service is about building a community first.
This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 8 and 9. For the rest of our Startup Arena pitches, see here. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.
これは6/8-9に弊社開催のスタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。残りのStartup Arenaのピッチはこちらからどうぞ。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブックページ、Google+、RSS経由でもフォローできます。
PinjamBuku: A New Chapter in Social Book-Sharing“We build friendships through books,” says PinjamBuku’s co-founder in the startup’s pitch. And so the emphasis is on the social elements in the book lending and borrowing website. Users who submit a book to PinjamBuku.org (the name means “borrow books” in Bahasa Indonesia) then get access to the lending library of 600 books (and growing), and can connect with those who have a similar range of reading interests.
Giving the pitch onstage at our Startup Arena battlefield, the two core team members point out that the site has very organically grown to have 2,500 registered members. As for monetization, its own members will represent a valuable, measurable demographic of book fans that will be of interest “to publishers and online bookstores.” And so a way to make PinjamBuku pay might be for it to have paid-for links on some book pages for users to go buy the item if there’s too long a waiting list to borrow it.
Startup Arenaの競演の舞台でピッチが行われると、そのサイトが登録メンバー2,500人に拡大したことにコアチームメンバーの二人は注目を向けさせた。収益化については、「出版社やオンライン書店にとって」関心のある本のファン層は無視できないほど重要な存在であり、自社メンバーがその公式ファンとして代表を務める。借りたい本が貸し出し中で長い間待たなくてはならないときにユーザーがその本を買いに行けるブックページの有料リンクをPinjamBukuが所有することで収益が図かれる一つの方法になるかもしれない。
After the pitch, all eyes turn to our panel of judges. Benjamin Joffe says it looks like a lot of work for users, and a lot of work for a startup in a sector where people – those who tend to lend books – have very little money. “Frankly I’ve no idea how you can scale that to a large business, or any business,” he adds. Benjamin also suggests – as I did earlier – that the process of adding books could be simplified a lot too. Fellow panelist Andy Zain agrees that it’s a tough prospect and suggests a few other areas in which the business could move.
ピッチ終了後、全員の目が審査員に向けられた。Benjamin Joffe氏はユーザーにとっても本の貸し手側でもあるスタートアップ企業にとっても面倒くさいし、あまりお金にもならないと語る。「正直言ってどうやって大きなビジネスや事業になるまで拡大させるのか」。さらにBenjamin氏は、私も先ほど提案したけど本を追加するプロセスをもっと大幅に簡素化させないと付け加えて言った。特別パネリストAndy Zain氏も同感で、難しい展開が予想されるのと。そしていくつか行けそうな他の分野を提案した。
Singapore’s Loan Garage is a Marketplace for Credit and LoansAt our Startup Arena Jakarta competition on Friday, Singapore-based Loan Garage pitched its mobile platform for helping consumers find credit from safe and trusted providers.The pitch outlined how back in Singapore there’s often some illegal money lenders and they hope to even the playing field with a trusted platform for licensed lenders. It allows consumers to compare market rates on a compare lenders screen, and from there they can make an informed decision. Users can also view promotions that might be currently available.
シンガポールのLoan Garage は与信と融資のための市場金曜のStartup Arena Jakarta のコンペでは、シンガポールに拠点を置くLoan Garageが顧客が安全かつ信頼の置ける融資提供者からの与信を探すにあたって便利なモバイルプラットフォームのピッチを行った。違法金融業者が横行するシンガポールでいかにして信頼あるプラットフォームを使って認可を受けた金融業者の公平性を保つかその概略をピッチで説明。そのプラットフォームは顧客が金融業者スクリーンで市場レートを比較でき、そこから十分な情報を得たうえで意思決定できる。ユーザーは現在利用可能な宣伝広告も拝聴できる。
Loan Garage features a number of filters available so you can find exactly what you need. There’s a ‘check status’ option where users can view the status of their loan application as well.Currently it is available as an iPhone app, with iPad and Android versions coming soon. The service will be focused on Singapore to start, but they say they are easily scaleable and can move to larger markets soon.The revenue model is an interesting one, as the startup proposes to charge a transaction fee on the lenders side, and they take nothing on the borrower side.
Loan Garageはいくつかのフィルター機能を備え、本当に必要なものを探し出せるという特徴がある。またユーザーが自分の借入申込の状況確認が可能な「状況確認」オプションも搭載。現在 iPhone appで利用可能なほか、 まもなくiPadとAndroid版も登場。シンガポールを中心にサービスを開始する予定だが、サービス拡大は容易で大規模市場へすぐ移行できるという。収益モデルはそのスタートアップが貸手金融業者側に取引手数料を徴収し借手側からは何も受け取らない点で興味深い。
Judge Benjamin Joffe was initially skeptical, but was impressed that the startup already has established some partnership and the fact that the founder has a legal background.This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 8 and 9. For the rest of our Startup Arena pitches, see here. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.
審査員Benjamin Joffe氏は当初懐疑的ではあったが、そのスタートアップがすでにいくつかの業務提携を締結していることと、創始者に法務のバックグラウンドがある事実に感心した。これは6/8-9に弊社開催スタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。残りのStartup Arenaのピッチは引き続きこちらからどうぞ。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブック、Google+、RSSを通してもフォローできます。
NoLimit Analyzes the Conversation on Indonesian Social MediaLots of people are interested in the Indonesian market and want to know what Indonesians are talking about on social media. But the language can be a barrier, and analyzing and reporting on social media sentiment is difficult and time consuming. The NoLimit team hopes to change that.
NoLimit aggregates all content from Indonesia’s major social networks, analyzes it, and provides easy-to-understand but remarkably deep reports on everything from total conversation volume to discussion sentiment. Supposedly, the algorithm it uses is quite advanced and the team spent more than 11 months making sure it accounts for the intricacies of Indonesian internet slang and other kinds of creative language.
The resulting demo was impressive. A report on political parties in Indonesia showed which parties were dominiating the conversation, and which are the most liked and hated. Data was available over time or on a day by day basis, and goes quite deep — so deep, in fact, that it’s possible to view which specific users are posting the most about a company, how much of what they say is positive or negative, and more.The market for a service like this is not small. There are more than half a million SMEs in Indonesia, and thousands more government organs, NGOs, international companies, and public figures who might be interested in tracking what’s being said about them in Indonesian social media.
The site is currently offered in Bahasa Indonesian language, as the Indonesian startup is looking to focus efforts in Jakarta until end of this year. They are looking to target Indonesia because it is a rising economy, with growing middle-income families. There are currently 50 million households with disposable income of US$3,000 or more.For end users, when they become a member they pay US$200 and for subsequent years $100, and 50 to 60 percent of that goes to agencies who Cabara works with.It’s difficult to deal with agencies one by one, and Cabara helps solve this problem. They handle payments manually because they have to still meet face to face.
インドネシアのスタートアップは今年の終わりまでにジャカルタでの運用を目指し、サイトはインドネシア語で提供している。インドネシアをターゲットとしている理由としては、経済が発展途上中のインドネシアで中流階級が増えてきていることにある。可処分所得3千米ドルの所帯は現在5千万人世帯以上にのぼる。エンドユーザーは会員登録時に200米ドルと年会費100米ドルを支払っているが、その会費の50~60%がCabaraが業務提携する代行業者に入る。一つ一つの代行業者と取引することは大変であるが、Cabaraはこの問題を解消するにあたっての手助けとなる。 代行業者がじかに会わなくてはならないこともあって、支払いは手渡しである。
Andy Zain acknowledged that this is indeed a service that his family would use, but noted that a better filtering system might be very helpful in a system like this.This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 7 and 8. For the rest of our Startup Arena pitches, see here. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.
Andy Zain氏はこれは自分の家庭でも確かに利用すべきサービスだと認めているが、 フィルタリングシステムがもう少しよくなればこのようなシステムではとても役立つであろうと言及した。こちらは6/7と6/8弊社開催のスタートアップイベント、 Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事です。残りの弊社スタートアップアリーナのピッチはこちらからどうぞ。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブック、Google+、RSSでもフォローができます。
Mintaraga agreed, saying that his company has to drill its startups on business plans and “bring them a little bit down to earth.” Cuaca agreed as well. “The biggest challenge for investors is to find a good founder,” he said. Even if the product or idea isn’t that good, “a good founder will find a way,” he said. On the flipside, Liem added, a great product isn’t going to go anywhere if there isn’t a good founder behind it.This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 7 and 8. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.
自社のビジネスプランの立ち上げを練り上げなくてはならない、それは「もう少し現実的なものにする」といったことだとMintaraga は認めた。Cuacaも同感で「投資家にとっての最大のチャレンジは一人の優れた創始者を見つけること」だという。製品やアイディアがそんなに良くなくても、「優れた創始者は手段を見つけ出す」だと。反対にLiemは加えてこういった、良い製品のバックに優れた創設者が居なければ良い製品であっても日の目を見ることはない。こちらは6/7と6/8に弊社開催のスタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブック、Google+、RSSでフォロー可能です。
Discussion: Inside the Mind of Local InvestorsAt a packed afternoon panel at Startup Asia Jakarta, Tech in Asia’s own Vanessa Tan took the stage to moderate a panel with a number of high-profile local investors:Antonny Liem, CEO of Merah Putih Incubator (MPI)Andi S. Boediman, director at IdeosourceKevin Mintaraga, co-founder of Project EdenWillson Cuaca, investor at East Ventures
ディスカッション:現地投資家の心のうちStartup Asia Jakartaの午後のパネルディスカッションは満員御礼。Tech in AsiaのオーナーのVanessa Tanさんが今話題の下記の現地投資家とのパネルディスカッションの司会のために登壇。Antonny Liem氏 - Merah Putih Incubator (MPI) 最高経営責任者Andi S. Boediman氏 - Ideosource 取締役Kevin Mintaraga氏 - Project Eden 創設者Willson Cuaca氏 - East Ventures 投資家
After the introductions, Vanessa asked Mr. Boediman about the tech scene in Indonesia. He said there are only four business models here: selling content, media, products, or services. Content has potential but isn’t there yet, and media remains small in Indonesia, he said, and most of it isn’t digital (yet). Physical products of course get a lot of attention, and services is also growing. “Everything about Indonesia is potentially big, but [just] potentially,” he said. Mr. Mintaraga said he agreed with Boediman.
紹介を終え、VanessaさんがBoediman氏にインドネシアでのテクノロジー界については伺った。インドネシアには4つのビジネスモデル(販売コンテンツ、メディア、製品、もしくはサービス)しか存在しないと同氏は語った。コンテンツは可能性を秘めるがまだまだといった感じで、メディアはインドネシアでは規模が小さく、ほとんどがまだデジタル化されていないといったところだと同氏は語った。Physical products はもちろん大きく脚光を浴び、サービスも成長中。「インドネシアは何をやらしても大きくなる可能性を秘めているが、それはただ可能性というだけだ」と同氏は語った。Mintaraga氏もBoediman氏と同感という。