Yuko Onishi (goodtranslation) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 女性
Tokyo, Japan
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

This Subcontract is funded on a cost reimbursable basis, not to exceed the amount of $ . The Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires the expenditure of 2.5% of the total estimated costs of this agreement on technology transfer activities. RPSEA and SUBCONTRACTOR will determine the activities that will comprise 1.5% of the agreement’s total estimated costs for this project, and RPSEA reserves 1% of the agreement’s total estimated costs for program level technology transfer activities. Thus, the reserve of $ is not available for reimbursement of SUBCONTRACTOR incurred cost (See Task 3.0 in Statement of Work, Appendix 1).



goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

Unless the Subcontract is amended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties SUBCONTRACTOR will not be reimbursed in excess of $ or % of the actual total incurred cost, whichever is lower.

Upon receipt and approval by RPSEA of proper invoices in accordance with paragraph 1.6 below, payment of allowable cost shall be Net 45 days from the RPSEA invoice due date, and in accordance with FAR Clause No. 52.216-7 "Allowable Cost and Payment" and applicable agency supplements thereto, if any. In addition, FAR Clause No. 52.232-20 “Limitation of Cost” and FAR Clause 52.232-22 “Limitation of Funds” are hereby incorporated by reference.



1.3 定める算入が認められる費用及び支払
RPSEAによる正当な請求書の受領と下記項目1.6に則った承認にもって、控除可能な経費の支払はRPSEA側の請求書締切日から45日後払いとする。これはFAR条項 52.216-7定める「算入が認められる費用及び支払」に従い、適切な代理人の追補があればそれに準じて行うものとする。さらにFAR条項52.232-20 に定める「費用の制限」及びFAR条項 52.232-22に定める「資金の制限」を参照することにより本書に含むものとする。

goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

Speaking with Bloomberg today about Apple’s upcoming earnings call,Piper Jaffray’s Apple analyst Gene Munster said his most recent checks with suppliers in Asia and industry sources indicate Apple is moving to release a full-fledged television this year with a new remote.This is of course not the first time the analyst has predicted Apple will release an HDTV—rather than an updated set-top box—in 2013…

Munster is expecting the Apple TV set to be one of three catalysts to help investors get behind Apple stock again in 2013.The other two are a Retina iPad mini in March and a low-cost iPhone later in the year.



マンスター氏の予測では、投資家のアップル社株の支持に回るきっかけには3つあり、テレビ参入はその1つで、他の2つについては3月のRetina ipad miniと今年後半に発売とされる低コストiphoneであるとしている。

goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

With the Apple TV information supposedly coming from supply chain sources in Asia,we’d expect Munster to have some more concrete specs instead of the same non-specific hearsay we’ve heard before.

The core of the debate is an improved set-top box… a hockey puck that attaches to your TV,or an actual television.Based on our work,in part,with talking to suppliers in asia,to talking with people in the industry,we think its an actual television.Specifically,the basic thing it fixes is the remote control problem… We think fixing that is going to be an important part of it.And the second piece down the road is content,content on demand.That’s essentially what apple television is.




goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Lee has always thought that the biggest trap for Chinese start-ups is that angel investors taking too much stakes, which would limit entrepreneurs’ control over their company and close the doors to excellent VCs. For example, Lee said on its Tencent Weibo recently that, “I found two very nice projects who have already got angels investments. They reached out to us for Series A round. We were so happy in the beginning until later on we found that the angels haven taken up to 75% of these two projects and refused to dilute their stakes. I think this is not an angel move, but a devil thing for the entrepreneurs. “


中国のスタートアップに対する大きな罠とは多額出資するエンジェル・インベスターであり、起業家達の会社での統制力を抑え込み、優れたベンチャー・キャピタルに辿り着けない、とリー氏は常々思うことがあるという。例えば、リー氏はTencent Weiboについて「二つの優良プロジェクトにエンジェル資本が投入された。エンジェル・インベルターはSeries A roundのために手を差し伸ばしてくれた。最初はとてもうれしかったが後になってエンジェル・インベスターがこれら二つのプロジェクトの75%まで出資し、希薄化させることを拒否した。それはエンジェルがすることではなく、起業家にとっては悪魔の仕業に思える」と最近述べている。

goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

You can identify your indirect competitors by going broad and listing the companies with the same market as yours. When I started gantibaju.com, I didn’t think of competing directly with Threadless but more on to the communities of designers in Indonesia. If I want to lure them in, I need to ‘steal’ their time on other similar designer community sites, which is why I stole my first members from the Indonesian community at Deviant Art and also from other similar sites. On retail, I’m competing with other t-shirt distros, directly with the ones upholding a nationalistic theme but indirectly with the general population of t-shirt distros targeting the age of 24-32.


間接的な競合相手は海外渡航したり、同業界の企業を一覧にしてみると見分けがつく。gantibaju.comを立ち上げた際には、Threadlessと直接的に競合しているとは思いも寄らなかったが、インドネシアのデザイナーコミュニティーではそれを熟知していた。もしそのデザイナー達を獲得しようとすると他のデザイナーサイトにおいてデザイナー達の時間を「頂戴する」ことにはなってしまう。インドネシアのコミュニティからの最初のメンバーはDeviant Artで引き抜き、他の同様なサイトでも行った。小売では他のTシャツ流通業者と競合しており、直接的には国家主義的な流通業者と、そして間接的には24~32歳を対象にした一般のTシャツ流通業者と競合しいる。

goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

PS: This is my last post as a weekly columnist. I just wanted to say that I love writing here but my business is keeping me super busy. I’ve decided to concentrate all my resources for my new company Tees.co.id, it has gained quite an interesting traction and I definitely don’t want to mess it up. It’s been fun writing for DailySocial and I’ve learnt a lot from my research and comments. This is not a goodbye, I may write again in the future when I have more time to spare. Will continue to write in rajasa.com, just don’t expect weekly updates. Ok then, that’s all I have to say for now. I’ll see you when I see you!



goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

7. Vancl

Vancl is China’s largest clothing e-tailer. It sells its own brand of clothing and makes them affordable for shoppers. It has recently started shifting production overseas in an effort to cut labour rates and beat the country’s rapidly rising production costs. The company also runs the mall-like V+ site which hosts other clothing brands.

8. 51buy & Coo8

51buy is an e-commerce site selling mostly home appliances and gadgets. The site is heavily financed by Tencent, China’s internet giant. Coo8 is a subsidiary of the electronics retailer, Gome. The site mainly sell gadgets and IT-related products as well. It has a very similar product area to 51buy.


7. Vancl

Vanclは中国最大の衣料Eテイラーである。自社ブランドの衣料品を買い物客にお手ごろな価格で提供している。最近では製造拠点を人件費が削減できる海外に移し、国内で急激に高騰する製造コストを抑えている。同社はショッピングモール的なV+ site を運営しており他の衣料ブランドも取り扱っている。

8. 51buy & Coo8


goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

9. Yihaodian

YiHaoDian is the country’s largest food and consumables e-commerce retailer. Products range from food to toiletries, and recently it has been diversifying into clothing and electronics. Walmart has a controlling stake in Yihaodian and the partnership became official last week.

Group Buy Sites

10. Meituan & 55tuan

Meituan and 55tuan are long-standing market leaders in the group-buy industry. They offer deals and discounts that are usable in many cities, such as at restaurants, cinemas, traveling agencies, etc. The two sites account for approximately 26 percent of the daily deals market in China according to the most recent data, with a monthly revenue of 200 million RMB.


9. Yihaodian



10. Meituan & 55tuan


goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

11. Dianping

Dianping is a group buy site that offers more than just deals and discounts. It is similar to (but actually pre-dates) Yelp in the US, and it started its online journey with reviews and listings. As such, Dianping has been expanding exponentially, with its revenue growing at thirty percent since the start of the year.

12. Taobao Juahuasuan

Juhuasuan is a deals site owned by Alibaba, and located at a subdomain of Taobao, ju.taobao.com. Despite the slump in the group-buy industry, Juhuasuan continues to perform exceedingly well. The site sold 57 percent of all product-based deals, more than all of its rivals combined. It’s the market leader at present, with 21.5 percent market share by revenue.


11. Dianping


12. Taobao Juahuasuan
