拝啓 この度はご連絡及びお支払い金額についてご確認頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。お問い合わせのありました『国際郵便送料に関するお支払いの件』ですがご提示しました[送料1,290JPY]がお客様の仰る[国際郵便送料]を指しております為、お支払い総額は29,290円のみとなります。上記以外にはお支払いはございません。また、29,290円はご指定のクレジットカード会社からの自動引き落としとなりますので、ご安心くださいませ。お父様の件、ご心配でいらっしゃることと存じます。心中お察し致します。弊社の商品をご愛飲頂くことによって少しでもお父様のお身体に良い影響がありますことを心よりお祈り申し上げます。敬具
Dear SirThis time, let us know I received a check for the payment amount and calling this timeThank you very much.There were inquiriesBut it is a "matter of payment on international mail postage"For was your presentation [postage 1,290JPY] is we have points to the what your customers [international mail postage],The total payment amount is only 29,290 yen.There is no payment in addition to the above.In addition, from the credit card company of 29,290 yen .. designationBecause it becomes the automatic withdrawal, do not worry.Matter of your father, it is proposed that it come a worry. You have my sympathies.By receive your drinkers our productsThat there is a good effect on your body of your father even a littleWe pray from the bottom of my heart.Best regards
The LC amount to be issued is the amount indicated in the proforma invoice from the supplier.The amount must not be less than $100k but can be more than depends on the FFarm machineries or other products we are going to purchase from the supplier. The $100k worth of farm machineries must be delivered 1 time unless we get a standby letter of credit. This type of letter of credit, you can ship any number of containers at a time.We will make sure of that.