Google’s has quietly launched its own full-length online magazine, a quarterly publication whose aim is to create a “breathing space in a busy world.”The first edition of Think Quarterly, based out of the UK, is a 68-page dive into the world of data and its impact on business. The first thing most people will notice is that it’s a visually stunning piece of work. It’s a rich Flash app with Google’s quirky sensibilities and the in-depth writing you might find in BusinessWeek or Salon. Google’s quarterly magazine is edited and designed by creative agency The Church of London.
Googleは、完全なオンライン雑誌をひそかに発行した。この雑誌は、「多忙な世界に深呼吸する間を与える」ことを目的として、年4回の発行を予定している。この「Think Quarterly」の第1版は、英国から発行され、68ページにおよぶデータの集約と、それが与えるビジネスへの影響を特集している。ほとんど人が最初に気づくのは、その驚くべき視覚的な内容である。豊富なFlashアプリケーションを使って現した、Googleの奇抜で繊細な感性、また、その深遠な内容は、BusinessWeekやSalonに載っているような内容である。Googleの、この年4回発行の雑誌はクリエイティブエージェンシーであるThe Church of Londonが編集、デザインしている。
-Samples of less than SGD400.00 CIF Value import - GST is not applicable, but we still have to do import permit under samples.-For commercial base import - There are no requirements for product, manufacturer and import licenses. Instead, the company responsible for placing the cosmetic product in the market must notify the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) before placing the product in the market. This may be done online.All products must be properly labeled – even samples. (Attached is the guidelines from HSA)-No restrictions for export – but depending on the country of destinations.
-CIF価格が400シンガポールドル未満のサンプル品の輸入の場合 。GSTの対象外となるが、サンプルとして輸入許可の取得が必要。-商業目的の輸入の場合。製品、製造元および輸入ライセンスに関する要件は無い。市場で化粧品を販売する会社が、販売開始以前にHSA(健康教育局)に通知することが必要である。この通知はオンラインでも可能である。サンプルを含むすべての製品は、適切なラベルを付属することが必要となる。(添付のHAS発行のガイドラインを参照。)-輸出に関しては規制は無いが、輸出先によって条件が異なる場合がある。
I will settle my payment for this lot. Please ship the items that I had purchased so far.The service company indeed had received the records. It appears that the company was carrying out confirmation process of the received records.
私は、注文番号○○ の件で、あなたにメール連絡しましたが、あなたからの返答がありません。まず、私が送ったメールを速やかに確認して返答してください。
Hello,I had sent you email in relation to my order # 00 but have not yet received any reply from you.Could you first read my email and reply to the matter as soon as possible?
Also, before I returned the products, I had understood that our mutual agreement as follows:You would refund all the shipping cost from Japan to Germany, as well as payment that I had made already (including value of the products, shipping cost from Germany to Japan and tax duty etc.). Kindly reconfirm that your understanding is the same. Although you had agreed above, you have not processed refund of the tax duty that I made in advance.Please also confirm and update me about this matter. I await your swift response.
Order Limitはその一か月間の商品代金のみの合計ですFeeは商品代金のみにかかります
Order Limit indicates the total of value of products for applicable one month only.Fee is for value of products only.
11年2月23日に"AGE"Tシャツ2枚(オーダーナンバー173247)を発注しましたが、現在まで商品が私の手元に届きませんこの商品の受取方法は代々木体育館で引換えのみですか?私は11年3月6日に代々木体育館で商品を引換えていないので商品をUSから日本への発送を希望していますもしも商品を発送できない場合、既にMaster cardで支払った代金($50.00)を返金してくださいまた併せて返金の際に必要な手続き方法を教えてください
I had ordered 2 “AGE”t-shirts (order # 173247) but they have not arrived yet. I was wondering whether the t-shirts were to be collect at the Yoyogi Arena only.I had not collected them on 6th March 2011 at the Yoyogi Arena therefore I would like to ask you to ship them to Japan.If it is not possible for you to ship them, can I ask you to refund payment of $50.00 that I had paid with my Master card? Also kindly let me know how I can receive the refund.
Web server type MetaTrader, "MetaTrade Web" is sending you this email in relation to your password. We have issued a new login password for you. Please find new login credential as per below.We strongly recommend you to login with the new password, and then change to a password that you can remember. You can change your password in My account, Edit window.
ウェブサーバー型メタトレーダー「メタトレーダーウェブ」より、パスワードの再発行についてのメールをお送りします。ユーザーさんのアカウントにおいて、ログイン用パスワードの再発行リクエストがありました。新しいパスワードを発行する場合は下記のリンクをクリックしてください。 ▽パスワードの再発行もしこのリクエストに覚えがない場合はこのメールを破棄してください。今までのパスワードでログインすることができます。
Web server type MetaTrader, "MetaTrade Web" is sending you this email in relation to your password. We have received a request to re-issue a login password from your account. In order to issue a new password, please click the link below.▽Issue a new passwordIf you had not requested for a new password, please disregard this email. You can login the site with your existing password.
Do you have stocks of the heart shaped budges? Because the jacked was sold with the budge, I would like to order the same amount of budges as the additional order for the jacket.In relation to the list of items to return, a part of the items will be purchased therefore please amended invoice accordingly. Can I also ask you to correct the item numbers? The sample listed on attached file is out of production, I hope it is OK if I send it back.
That means not just incorporation but all the other agreements startups need, e.g. for vesting and IP.
Hello, USPS Priority Int'l with insurance to Japan is $48.00 USD. The website shows it is still shipping to Japan, but cannot be sure. I will refund or hold per your instructions if no shipment is available. Thank you & good luck bidding. Lynn
I was informed that the parcel has not been arrived. Could you let me know when it is expected to arrive? It appears that it is not traceable with the tracking number. I appreciate it if you can confirm where about. As you may know, delivery service in Japan is rather chaotic. Also it takes much longer to deliver a parcel to Japan therefore I would like to get it shipped to Japan as early as possible.
Is this the merchant invoice that was provided to you by the vendor when you originally purchase the item? DHL would need that actual original proof of purchase for your item, can you provide this?
Shipping and handling cost examples (500g or less)SAL + registered : no insured, only having tracking number.EMS : faster & safer shipping (insured, maximum coverage $200)these example prices are based on weight, invoice will be sent with an acutual cost of shipping, after auction ended. Or please ask the actual cost before bidding. *Gatefoldsleeves, multiple purchases etc may increase the cost.Records will be packed in a bubble wrap sheet & cardboard box ATTENTION ! : NO EMS, NO GUARANTEESeller will not be held responsible for damaged or lost item.I highly recommend EMS for the both of us. Please contact seller if you require further information or a quote.
送料および手続き費用の例(500以下)書留SAL便 : 保険無しで、トラッキング番号のみ。EMS便: 早くて安全な郵送方法(保険付、上限200ドル)これらは重量を基準にした価格例です。実際の金額は、落札後に発行される請求書に記載されます。入札の前に、実際の送料を確認してください。*見開きジャケット、複数に分けた購入の場合は、送料が加算される可能性がありますのでご了承ください。レコードは、バブルラップに包んで、ダンボール箱に入ります。ご注意:EMS意外の郵送の場合は、商品の保障はありません。セラーは、商品が破損したり盗難にあった場合の責任は負いかねます。セラーとバイヤーの双方のために、EMS便での郵送を強くお勧めします。その他の詳細またはお見積もりが必要でしたら、是非セラーにご連絡ください。
You are bidding on a mint condition Spring Splendor with its original box. This is a beautiful piece and retails for $600. No chips, cracks, or nicks. Contains the Full Tulip marking on the bottom of the piece.Will be shipped to you fully insured in original Lladro box.Details:•Item #: 01012325•Issued Year: 1992•Retired Year: •Height: 12.0 inches•Width: 7.25 inches•Sculptor: Regino Torrijos•Finish: •Sculptor: Regino Torrijos
この商品は、オリジナルの箱に入った新品同様のSpring Splendorです。店頭販売価格は600ドルの、美しい品です。カケ、ヒビ、傷はありません。底の部分にはロゴのチューリップが刻まれています。オリジナルのリヤドロの箱に入れて、保険付きで発送します。詳細:•アイテム番号: 01012325•製造開始年: 1992•製造終了年: •高さ: 12.0 インチ•幅: 7.25インチ•製作者: Regino Torrijos•仕上げ: •製作者: Regino Torrijo
The form should be emailed to or can be faxed to +1 941 827 2985 or mailed to:MyUS.comAttn: Claims Department4299 Express LaneSarasota, FL 34238USAPlease be sure to reference your suite number on each page you submit.Written notification of claim resolution will be emailed to the email address as specified on the Claim Form.When processing a claim, follows the appropriate Terms and Conditions of Carriage as outlined by the courier. For more information, please visit or Claimant hereby acknowledges the Terms and Conditions listed above. (Signature required to process claim)
フォームは 宛てにメールで、または+1 941 827 2985 にファックスで送信するか、次の住所宛に郵送してください。MyUS.comAttn: Claims Department4299 Express LaneSarasota, FL 34238USA提出する各ページには、全ページ数とページ番号を記載してください。クレームの解決に関する報告はクレームフォームに記載されてあるメールのアドレスに送信されます。クレームの処理は、輸送会社の輸送契約条件に従います。詳しくは、 またはを参照してください。クレーム申請者は、上記に記載された契約条件に同意することとなります。(クレームの処理には、署名いただくことが必要となります。)
To request using this office, please click hereIf you have questions before you make offer, please click hereIf you would like to make an offer of your office, please click hereTo ask questions to this partner, please click hereWhat are you looking for?You can ask up to 3 questions to a partnerYou have reached maximum of 3 questions to this partner already
the last I checked... the boxes have reached Japan and you should be receiving them soon... hope you, your family and kikun are fine.Just let me know if you need more things...There are many fund-raising events for Japan in Singapore and we will do whatever we can to help out. Keep in touch.
I received the first parcel that you had sent to me. It arrived in very good condition and I liked it. Thank you very much for this.The item had been put on hold at the custom until I faxed Paypal receipt because the price on the custom invoice seemed far too cheap hence it was suspected as false declaration. Once the custom official received the Paypal receipt, it was all clear and I was able to receive the parcel safe and sound.However I am worried that the 2nd parcel that you sent may also go though the same at the custom.