360°の世界を楽しめる!新感覚のミュージックビデオ「Dance In The Rain」がYouTubeにて公開!いよいよ「WINTER of LOVE」発売まで1週間となった本日、CD+DVD (RZCD-86046/B) / CD+Blu-ray (RZCD-86047/B)にスマプラムービー特典映像として初収録となる、「Dance In The Rain -360°music video-」トライアルムービーがYouTubeにて公開となりました!
New sensation music video of "Dance In The Rain", on which you can enjoy the views from 360 degrees is now on youtube! Finally, it is just one week away from the release of "Winter of Love" today. Now, the trial movie of "Dance In The Rain -360°music video-", which is the first time to be recorded as a sma pra movie's premium movie on CD+DVD (RZCD-86046/B) / CD+Blu-ray (RZCD-86047/B) is now available on YouTube.
※Wi-Fiを通して映像を再生するとより高画質の映像をお楽しみいただけます。YouTube公開にあわせ、特設サイトもオープン!●「Dance In The Rain」特設サイトhttp://rhythmzone.net/koda/ditr/
You can enjoy high resolution movies by plying the movies with Wi-Fi.Special site came out on the release of the movies on youtube. - "Dance In The Rain" special sitehttp://rhythmzone.net/koda/ditr/
「Hello KYOTO」オフィシャルアンバサダーに『倖田來未』が就任!いつもHello KYOTOアプリをご利用いただき有り難うございます。本日ロームシアター京都メインホールにて行われた任命式にて、倖田來未さんに「Hello KYOTO」オフィシャルアンバサダーに就任していただきました!今年デビュー15周年を迎える倖田來未さんは京都市出身であり、これまでも様々なメディアで度々「京都愛」を語ってきていただいています。
Kumi Koda is inaugurated as the Official ambassador of "Hello KYOTO".Thank you for your continuous support for "Hello KYOTO".Today, at the inauguration ceremony held in Rohm Theatre Kyoto main hall, Kumi Koda was inaugurated as the Official ambassador of "Hello KYOTO".she was born in Kyoto and It will have passed 15 years since she debuted this year. She often talked about her love of KYOTO on wide varieties of medias.