Please check EBAY auction 321611739085, if you wish to view a completely original Nikon Black SPPlease DO NOT ship this item to avoid having to return ship it back to Japan for refundPlease cancel this auction and kindly refund my payment thru PAYPALThank you very much f
あなたが完全なオリジナルNikon Black SPを観たい場合、EBAYオークション321611739085の確認お願いします。返金のために日本へ返送するのを避けるため、この商品を発送しないでください。このオークションをキャンセルして、どうかPAYPALを通して私の支払いを返金してください。どうもありがとう。
D9559My packet is stuck at customs office and they won't give it to me until they see the bill. Please send me a scan of the bill, or the package will have to be returned.
#Williamno that is a new shaft.....should not be distorted at all...I had the guys check it very fine..if he does not want that shaft...just have another one put in in Japan (much easier) and let me know how much..and I wll sen you repair you don't have to send back againI have one here and just rolled it like you...looks to be the same ...I think it is because of the offset in the putter head..
#habitPer the previous email regarding the RBZ prototype rescues in 13, 14.5 (no tour stamp) & 18 degrees with prototype shape, a sizeable quantity has come available to us from the tour department at TM. You previously paid $75.00 each for these but I am wondering if we discounted that price, could you take 100-200 of these heads? If so, what price would work for you for a large order?Thank you for your consideration and let me know.Regards,Ron
#習慣13, 14.5 (ツアースタンプなし)および18度の試作品の救済に関した以前のメールに関して, TMツアー部門からかなり届きまして利用可能となりました。以前、あなたは各々75米ドルを支払いましたが、我々がその値段をやめ、100-200米ドルとしたらどうなさいますか。仮に値段の変更をするとして、どの程度の値段であれば大きな注文となりそうですか?ご配慮ありがとうございます。そして、私に連絡ください。敬具,Ron
5062 USI just order the Wedding Couple Set Monchichi doll through Amazon, but it is going ship to China, I was wondering should I need to provide additional Chinese version address for the convince in China? And what kind of shipping company is being used? Also what kind of package is coming with, does the doll has its own package?
5062 US私はAmazonでhe Wedding Couple Set Monchichi人形を注文しましたが、中国に発送される予定です。確認のため、中国語での追加の住所を提示したほうがよいでしょうか?あと、どの運送会社を使用する予定ですか?さらに、どのような包装できますか、それとも人形の商品そのものが包装ありますか?
This startup wants to make Filipinos healthier, one plate at a timeUnhealthy food intake is one of the common problems in the Philippines. That’s why in 2012, three out of five deaths were linked to “lifestyle-related ailments”, a number of which are directly tied to poor diets. In order to help Filipinos eat properly, Philippine startup MetroPlate has entered the scene with a healthy solution.MetroPlate is a food delivery platform that focuses on healthy meals. Users can access the website and choose from a selection of healthy dishes cooked by restaurants that specialize in nutritious meals, which will then be delivered to the hungry users’ doorstep.
It’s an idea that was born out of MetroPlate founder Jerome Ibañez’ technopreneurship classes at De La Salle University Manila, when they were asked to come up with an idea for a startup.While it originated as a simple food pre-ordering system, he and his team “pivoted to a healthy food delivery platform during Startup Weekend Manila.” The startup ranked fifth in the Startup Weekend Manila held in 2013.
これはマニラにあるDa La Salle大学のメトロプレートの設立者であるJerome Ibanez氏のtechnopreneurshipクラスでスタートアップのアイデアとして思いついた時に生まれた。メトロプレートは単純な食事のプレオーダーシステムとして始まったが、彼らのチームは「スタートアップ・ウィークエンド・マニラの期間に健康的な食品を配達する軸となった」。このスタートアップは2013年のスタートアップ・ウィークエンド・マニラでは第5位にランクインした。
Ibañez explains that since medical expenses are rising each year, many are already taking the initiative to live a healthier lifestyle. This is “because no one can afford to be sick at this day and age.” He adds:Looking for healthy food options late at night is a challenge since there are barely any establishments open at that time.Healthy roll-outFor its soft launch, which is targeted before the end of this month, MetroPlate has established a partnership with healthy food caterer Rice Labs as its main supplier for food.
Ibaflez氏は、医療費は毎年高騰しており、多くの人々は既に健康的なライフスタイルの開始している、と説明する。これは、「ここ最近、病気になったとしても誰も医療費を払えないからです」と彼は付け加えた。深夜はほとんどの店は開いておらず、健康食品のオプションを探すことは困難である。健康的なロールアウト。メトロプレートは軽いランチをメインに調達するRice Labsと、今月末前を目標に契約を結んだ。
It will start by serving a limited number of meals supplied by Rice Labs, and the team will continue to add more options as it progresses. Ibañez says more partner restaurants will be available once they officially launch, as a number of people have already showed interest in partnering with MetroPlate. The team is also looking at partnering with some home-based cooks. He adds:For the initial launch, the website will be just your typical food ordering website but we plan to add more features such as order tracking and the like. All the deliveries will be on us.
最初はRice Labsから提供される限られた食品の提供で、チームは徐々にオプションを追加する予定だ。Ibarflez氏によると、「かなり多くの人々はメトロプレートとの提携に興味を示しており、これからさらに多くのパートナーとなったレストランが正式なランチとして利用可能となるでしょう」と述べている。さらに彼はこう付け加えた。「最初のランチでは典型的な食事オーダーのウェブサイトでしょうが、私たちはオーダーを追跡したり好みに合わせたりといった多くの特徴を追加していこうと思っています。全てのデリバリーは私たちが喜んで取り扱います。」
MetroPlate will outsource delivery “through a trusted contact.” But it aims to have its own fleet later on. For a start, the team will focus on getting its customers’ ordersquickly, first. While they do that, the intends to gain revenue from a commission on every meal sold through their platform.The focus of the startup this year is to “get the platform up and running and get as many partner merchants as possible.” It will start with Makati City and its neighboring vicinities. But it also plans to make its service available in more areas.
D 6302I had to pay an additional 65.55 EUR in taxes. (Zollanmeldung). This was calculated as 19%+4.7% on the value of the goods declared as 266.53€.When I ordered the item on Amazon, it was never said that I would need to pay additional taxes.ご連絡ありがとうございます。税関でははランダムにチェックされます。関税が発生した場合はお支払い後に請求書をメールで下さい。当店が全額負担致しますのでご安心下さい。良い一日を!D 7524I am still waiting for my lamp or you will retransfer the money to my creditcard account.If you are deciding to send the lamp again, don't forget to attach the bill.
D 6302私は追加で65.55ユーロの税金を払わなければなりませんでした。(税関申告書)。この料金は商品 266.53ユーロに対し、19% + 4.7%と計算されます。私がAmazonでその商品を注文した際、追加で税金が必要とは決していわれませんでした。ご連絡ありがとうございます。税関でははランダムにチェックされます。関税が発生した場合はお支払い後に請求書をメールで下さい。当店が全額負担致しますのでご安心下さい。良い一日を!D 7524私はまだランプを待っています。あるいは、あなたが私のクレジットカードの口座にお金を再送金してください。もしあなたが再度ランプを送ってくださると決めたなら、請求書の添付を忘れないで下さい。
3567It has been a week since I provided you with the EMS tracking number. As mentioned, EMS confirms your receipt of the product. Kindly process the refund of my payment. I have not received a response from you for one week's time. In this time, I have sent you three emails asking about the order refund. If I cannot contact you, I can only choose to apply for the refund through Amazon customer service. I will wait for your response until the end of business Japan time tomorrow.
The time of delivery has come and gone. I ordered this way back in Nov. and expected it to be here by Christmas and was intended as a gift. I'm failing to see how it can take so long for something to arrive if in stock, and says is shipped. I have ordered many things from Japan from guitars to action figures, and it has never taken this long for something to arrive. I also fail to see why, if something is shipped, there is not tracking number. If I'm sending it half way around the world, I'd would want to track it, not only for myself, but my custome.r Please address this issue.
・Qihoo released two wireless routers, one with an average size and the other is a dongle.・Baidu rolled out four products for hardware brand Xiaodu, including a WiFi dongle, a router, a portable projector, and a cloud camera. Together with the efforts in exploring wearables market, Baidu aims to attract more partners to adopt its cloud infrastructure and create an App Store-like platform, where users can upload data related to their daily life, noted by Hou Zhenyu, chief architect of Baidu Cloud, at TechCrunch Shanghai.
Qihooは平均的なサイズとドングルの2つのワイヤレスルーターをリリースした.BaiduはXiaoduというハードウェアブランドで,WiFiドングル,ルーター,ポータブルプロジェクター,クラウドカメラの4つの製品を展開した.Hou Zhenyu氏(TechCrunch上海のBaidu Cloudにおける建築主事)によると,着用可能なマーケットの探索の努力と同時に,Baiduは自身のクラウドインフラに適応するより多くのパートナーを魅了し,さらに日常生活に関連したデータをユーザーがアップロードできるApp Storeに類似したプラットフォームを作ろうとしている.