Daisuke Noguchi (dnoguchi)

約3年前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
サイエンス 化学 生物
5 時間 / 週


Biology [英語 ≫ 日本語]


This paper provides a summary of the extensive theoretical and empirical work that has been carried out in recent years testing the adaptational significance of various spider-ant associations. Hundreds of species of spiders have evolved close relationships with ants and can be classified as myrmecomorphs, myrmecophiles, or myrmecophages. Myrmecomorphs are Batesian mimics. Their close morphological and behavioral resemblance to ants confers strong survival advantages against visually hunting predators. Some species of spiders have become integrated into the ant society as myrmecophiles or symbionts. These spider myrmecophiles gain protection against their own predators, live in an environment with a stable climate, and are typically surrounded by abundant food resources. The adaptations by which this integration is made possible are poorly known, although it is hypothesized that most spider myrmecophiles are chemical mimics and some are even phoretic on their hosts. The third type of spider-ant association discussed is myrmecophagy—or predatory specialization on ants. A table of known spider myrmecophages is provided as is information on their biology and hunting strategies.Myrmecophagy provides these predators with an essentially unlimited food supply and may even confer other protections to the spiders.




The study of trail laying, recruitment of workers and trail-following by worker ants comprises a co-operative study of entomologists and chemists that has resulted in the identification of the chemical nature of such pheromones in many species of five subfamilies of ants. These pheromones may comprise a single compound
or, in one exceptional case, a blend of as many as 14 compounds, they may come from a single gland, or in some cases, a combination of two glands. They may be peculiar to a single species or may be shared by a number of species. They exist in the glandular secretion in nanogram to picogram quantities and are detected by workers in minute amounts on a trail. The present state of knowledge of these pheromones and their chemical structures is reviewed. Suitable bioassays and odour perception are discussed and the stereobiology of a few examples is considered.




Spiders are among the most successful groups of terrestrial organisms. With more than 42,000 species, spiders are the most numerous predacious arthropod group, only seconded by some insect families such as carabids’ beetles or ants. This gives spiders, omnipresent in all terrestrial habitats, a key position in ecological networks and ecosystem functioning. During their evolution of more than 300 million years, spiders developed and improved unique features, the combination of which is regarded as entry for their unrivalled success story. Among the key achievements of spiders at least four have to be mentioned.
First, spiders possess up to six different silk gland types that allow them to use silk for a variety of web types not only to catch their prey but also to wrap their victims until they are defenceless. Spiders build silken retreats, sperm webs, cocoons and draglines, thus demonstrating the remarkable material properties of one of the most resistant and elastic biomaterials. Second, spiders are venomous animals and inject defined venom quantities into a prey item to paralyse or kill it. Spider venom is a complex mixture of hundreds of components, consisting of low molecular compounds, peptides and proteins, which target the extracellular matrix, membranes and a variety of receptors, quite often located in the nervous or muscular system. Third, the locomotion of spiders is driven by a combination of muscles and a hydraulic pressure system, since some leg segments only possess flexor muscles. Instead of extensor muscles, the hydraulic pressure of their haemolymph is fine-tuned by a well-balanced system of valves, which provides the necessary back-pressure. This reduces in major parts of the long leg tubes of spiders the muscle system and allows at the same time larger flexors, so that spiders in general are more powerful than comparable insects. Fourth, the distal end of the male pedipalp developed into a complex structure composed of fixed and movable sclerites that are used to transfer sperm to the female seminal receptacles during mating. This key-lock mechanism guarantees safe sperm transfer within the species, largely preventing mating outside the own species, and probably represents a major driver for the fast species radiation we observe in spiders.
Ecophysiology is a bridge from functional and evolutionary aspects of morphology, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology to ecology. Currently, cutting-edge science in spiders focuses on the circulatory and respiratory system, locomotion and dispersal abilities, the immune system, endosymbionts and pathogens, chemical communication, gland secretions, venom components, silk structure, structure and perception of colours and colouration and nutritional requirements, to name only a few. Spiders became valuable indicator species in agroecosystems and for conservation biology. Modern transfer and application technologies consider spiders and their products with respect to biomimetics, material sciences and agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries.
It is now 26 years ago that I edited a first comprehensive book on ecophysiology of spiders, published also with Springer [Nentwig W (ed) (1987) Ecophysiology of spiders. Springer, Heidelberg]. Scientific progress since then was remarkable and an evaluation of the topics from that time and relevant publications over the last two decades showed the appearance of many new fascinating subjects. A new book on the old subject, therefore, is definitely not just a revised version but became something completely new. Seven subjects from the old book (on colouration, respiration system, reproductive glands, pheromones, venom, silk and dispersal) can also be found in this new book, most of them now represented by several much more detailed chapters and with a completely new content. Moreover, many additional and intriguing aspects are included. The innovative character of this book and of spider ecophysiology is also underlined by the fact that only two author teams from the old book contributed to this new book (Mark Townley with Ed Tillinghast and me, obviously dinosaurs in arachnology).
Special thanks go to Springer Publishers with Annika König and Jutta Lindenborn. I also want to acknowledge the support from Christian Kropf and Rita Schneider.


シュプリンガーによって出版されたクモの生態生理学についての最初包括的な本[ネントビヒW(ed)(1987) クモの生態生理学 シュプリンガー ハイデルベルク]を編集したのが今から26年前のことである。科学の進歩はそれ以来顕著で,その時代からのトピックの評価,および最近20年の上述の関連した出版物は,多くの新しい魅力的な題材の出現を示している。従って,古い題材についての新しい本は,明確に,単に改訂された版ではなく今や完全に新しいものになった。古い本からの7つの主題(色彩,呼吸系,生殖腺,フェロモン,毒,糸,および拡散について)がこの新しい本にも発見されるかもしれず,それらのほとんどは,今やいくつかのずっと詳細な章によって,そして完全に新しい内容によって説明される。さらに,多くの追加的で興味をそそる面が含まれる。この本とクモの生態生理学の革新的な特徴はまた,ほんの2人の作者のみが古い本から協力しこの新しい本にも寄与している事実によって下線を引かれる(Mark TownleyとEd Tillinghastおよび私で,明らかにクモ学の生き残りである)。特別な感謝をシュプリンガー社Annika KönigとJutta Lindenbornに送る。私はChrostian KropfとRita Schneiderからの支援にも謝意を認めたい。


Spiders and their mating systems are useful study subjects with which to investigate questions of widespread interest about sexual selection, pre- and post-copulatory mate choice, sperm competition, mating strategies, and sexual conflict. Conclusions drawn from such studies are broadly applicable to a range of taxa, but rely on accurate understanding of spider sexual interactions. Extensive behavioural experimentation demonstrates the presence of sex pheromones in many spider species, and recent major advances in the identification of spider sex pheromones merit review. Synthesised here are the emission, transmission, structures, and functions of spider sex pheromones, with emphasis on the crucial and dynamic role of sex pheromones in female and male mating strategies generally. Techniques for behavioural, chemical and electrophysiological study are summarised, and I aim to provide guidelines for incorporating sex pheromones into future studies of spider mating. In the spiders, pheromones are generally emitted by females and received by males, but this pattern is not universal. Female spiders emit cuticular and/or silk-based sex pheromones, which can be airborne or received via contact with chemoreceptors on male pedipalps. Airborne pheromones primarily attract males or elicit male searching behaviour. Contact pheromones stimulate male courtship behaviour and provide specific information about the emitter’s identity. Male spiders are generally choosy and are often most attracted to adult virgin females and juvenile females prior to their final moult. This suggests the first male to mate with a female has significant advantages, perhaps due to sperm priority patterns, or mated female disinterest. Both sexes may attempt to control female pheromone emission, and thus dictate the frequency and timing of female mating, reflecting the potentially different costs of female signalling and/or polyandry to both sexes. Spider sex pheromones are likely to be lipids or lipid soluble, may be closely related to primary metabolites, and are not necessarily species specific, although they can still assist with species recognition. Newer electrophysiological techniques coupled with chemical analyses assist with the identification of sex pheromone compounds. This provides opportunities for more targeted behavioural experimentation, perhaps with synthetic pheromones, and for theorising about the biosynthesis and evolution of chemical signals generally. Given the intriguing biology of spiders, and the critical role of chemical signals for spiders and many other animal taxa, a deeper understanding of spider sex pheromones should prove productive.




Spiders are important species in ecological systems and as major predators of insects they are endowed with a plethora of low-molecular-weight natural products having intriguing biological activities. The isolation and biological characterization of these entities are well established, however, only very recently have these compounds been used as templates for the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of synthetic analogues. In contrast, the investigation of compounds responsible for chemical communication between spiders is far less developed, but recently new light has been shed onto the area of pheromones and allomones from spiders. Herein, we recapitulate these recent results, put them into perspective with previous findings, and provide an outlook for future studies of these chemotypes.

