Daisuke Noguchi (dnoguchi)

約3年前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
サイエンス 化学 生物
5 時間 / 週


Chemistry [英語 ≫ 日本語]


As is well known, despite the difficulties associated with the assignment of absorption bands [1], the method of IR spectroscopy frequently is extremely useful for evaluating the structure of complex compounds. From the data cited below on the study of the most practically important of the complexones – ethylenediaminetetraaeetic acid (EDTA, H4A) - and its salts, it is evident that the method of IR spectroscopy, if it is properly used, can give results in good agreement with the data obtained by other methods, in particular, the method of x-ray diffraction study.
In an investigation of the IR absorption spectra of EDTA and its simple salts, we considered the premise of a betaine structure of H4A and the acid ions H2A2- and HA3-, postulated by Schwarzenbach [2] on the basis of pH-metric data. Schwarzenbach believed that the acid H4A and the ion H2A2- represent a dibetaine, i.e., two atoms of acid hydrogen form a bond not with the oxygen of the carboxyl groups, as in the usual carboxylic acids, but with nitrogen. This premise well explained the substantial difference in the values of the acid dissociation constants of EDTA: the close values pK1 = 1.996 and pK2 = 2.672 corresponded to elimination of hydrogen from the carboxyl groups, white the higher values pK3 = 6.161 and pK4 =10.262 pertained to the dissociation of the betaine hydrogen. The difference in the values of pK3 and pK4 was explained by Sehwarzenbach [2] by the fact that after neutralization of the first betaine hydrogen (the transition of H2A2- to HA3-), the second betaine hydrogen forms a bridge bond between the two nitrogen atoms of EDTA. The formation of a ring, in his opinion, stabilizes the bond and leads to a higher value of pK4 in comparison with pK3.


EDTAとその単純な塩の赤外吸収スペクトルの調査では,pH測定データに基づいてSchwarzenbach[2]が仮定した,H4Aと酸イオンH2A2-およびHA3-のベタイン構造の前提を我々は考えた。Schwarzenbachは,酸H4AとイオンH2A2-がジベタインを形成していると信じた;すなわち,酸の2つの水素原子は,通常のカルボン酸のようにカルボキシ基の酸素原子と結合するのではなく,窒素原子と結合しているのである。この前提がよく説明するのは,EDTAの酸の解離定数の値における実質的な差異である。pK1 = 1.996とpK2 = 2.672という近い値は,カルボキシル基からの水素の脱離に対応し,pK3 = 6.161とpK4 = 10.262という高い値はベタインの水素の解離に関係していた。pK3とpK4の値の違いについて,Sehwarzenbach[2]は,第1のベタイン水素の中和(すなわちH2A2-からHA3-への変化)の後に,第2のベタイン水素がEDTAの2つの窒素原子の間に橋渡し結合を形成するという事実によって説明した。彼の意見では,環の形成は結合を安定させ,pK3と比較してpK4の高い値をもたらす。
※ベタイン (betaine) とは,正電荷と負電荷を同一分子内の隣り合わない位置に持ち,正電荷を持つ原子には解離しうる水素が結合しておらず,分子全体としては電荷を持たない化合物(分子内塩)の総称である。


Infrared Spectra of Ethylenediamine-tetraacetic Acid (EDTA)
A controversy still exists concerning the structure of EDTA (H4Y).1-5 We wish to report data which not only support structure I, recently proposed for solid H4Y, but also allow a better understanding of the problems involved in the interpretation of infrared spectra of EDTA compounds.
In this laboratory we have prepared five different solid hydrochlorides of H4Y, three of which are listed in Table I.
From Bellamy’s correlations for carboxylic acids and -amino acids,6 it follows that the single band near 1700 cm.-1 observed for solid H4Y is due to dimeric -COOH groups attached to neutral nitrogen. This is in agreement with I, postulated by Nakamoto, et al.4
Bellamy6 reports an average shift of 20 cm.-1 due to the inductive effect of protonated nitrogen in a-amino acid while we observed a shift of 47 cm.-1 for H4Y.2HCl.
The importance of including hydrogen bands at the -COOH group in all discussions of EDTA structures is demonstrated by the positions of the carboxyl bands of H4Y.2HCl.2H2O. The main band at 1695 cm.-1 can only be explained by a system of maximal hydrogen bond strengths, involving two -COOH groups and one water molecule (a), or by the configuration shown in (b).
Bellamy and pace7 have recently published the structure of oxalic acid dihydrate, in which two water molecules are bonded as shown in (a) for one water molecule and which also produces a lower carbonyl frequency than the anhydrous compound. An example for (b) is not known.
For H4Y.HCl.H2O only a single carbonyl band at 1724 cm.-1 is observed, which is good evidence for a symmetrical arrangement of the molecule.
These data show clearly that the environment of the -COOH groups, i.e., dimerization and coordination of water, as well as the formal charge of both nitrogen atoms must be taken into consideration for discussions of their structures. This is even more important for the interpretation of infrared absorptions of EDTA in solution.
Sawyer, et al.,5 suggest that aqueous EDTA has a double “zwitterion” structure (II) which would give carbonyl absorption bands at 1700 and 1620 cm.-1. They have investigated EDTA in D2O at various acidities and find “at conditions where D3Y- (assumed to mean D3Y-) is the major species, a small peak at 1700 cm.-1 plus a peak three times as large at 1620 cm.-1 would be expected if one COOH group plus three COO- groups attached to the protonated nitrogen atoms in the proper structure (III)” and reproduced a spectrum which “indicates that such a structure is correct.”
However, our data as well as those of Nakamoto, et al.,4 for the solid state and those by Sawyer, et al.,5 for aqueous solutions of EDTA do not support II or III in either state, for the following reasons:
(1) Infrared data obtained with solid H4Y are not necessarily identical with those of aqueous solutions.
(2) If, as it is apparently assumed by Sawyer, et al.,5 the carbonyl frequency of an EDTA-carboxylic acid group is 1700 cm.-1 for both solid and solution, structures II and III in solution should have a band at 1620 cm.-1 and another which is higher than 1700 cm.-1, due to the inductive effect of protonated nitrogen on both -COO- and -COOH groups.
(3) The “small peak at 1700 cm.-1” observed by Sawyer, et al.,5 is actually a bulge between 1750 and 1680 cm.-1, a range which would cover all four compounds listed in Table II. The peak area ratio of 1:3 cited in favor of III would actually indicate a 1:1 molar ratio of -COOH:-COO-, based on the difference in extinction coefficients for both groups found by Nakamoto, et al.4,8 Thus the spectrum recorded by Sawyer, et al.,5 would in fact support IV, if pure H3Y- existed under their experimental conditions.
In conclusion, the structures of H4Y and H3Y- in aqueous solution remain uncertain since no definitive solution data are available and the use of solid state data is generally not justified to explain solution phenomena where structural changes might occur upon dissolving.


当研究室では、5種類の固体H4Y塩酸塩を調製し、そのうちの3種類をTable Iに示した。
Bellamyのカルボン酸とアミノ酸の相関関係から6、固体のH4Yで観測された1700 cm.-1付近の単一バンドは、中性窒素に結合した二量体のα-COOH基によるものであることがわかる。これは、Nakamotoらが提唱したIと一致している4。
Bellamy6は、α-アミノ酸のプロトン化した窒素の誘導効果による平均20 cm.-1のシフトを報告しているが、我々はH4Y.2HClで47 cm.-1のシフトを観測した。
EDTAの構造に関するすべての議論において,-COOH基の水素のバンドを含めることの重要性は,H4Y.2HCl.2H2Oのカルボキシルのバンドの位置によって示される。1695 cm.-1のメインバンドは、2つの-COOH基と1つの水分子を含む最大の水素結合強度システム(a)か、(b)で示される構成でのみ説明できる。
H4Y.HCl.H2Oでは、1724 cm.-1のカルボニルバンドが1つだけ観測され、これは分子が対称的に配置されていることを示す良い証拠である。
Sawyerら5は、水性EDTAが二重の「双性イオン」構造(II)を持ち、1700および1620 cm.-1にカルボニル吸収帯を持つと示唆している。彼らは、D2O中のEDTAを様々な酸性度で調査し、「D3Y-(平均的なD3Y-を意味すると仮定)が主要な種である条件では、1700 cm.-1に小さなピーク、1620 cm.-1に3倍のピークがあり、適切な構造(III)のプロトン化された窒素原子に1つのCOOH基と3つのCOO-基が結合した場合に予想される」とし、「そのような構造が正しいことを示す」スペクトルを再現した。
(2)Sawyerら5が明らかに想定しているように、EDTA-カルボン酸基のカルボニル波数が固体でも溶液でも1700 cm.-1であるならば、溶液中の構造IIおよびIIIは、プロトン化した窒素が-COO-および-COOH基の両方に及ぼす誘起効果により、1620 cm.-1のバンドと1700 cm.-1よりも高いバンドを持つはずである。
(3) Sawyerら5が観測した「1700 cm.-1の小さなピーク」は、実際には1750~1680 cm.-1の範囲にある膨らみであり、この範囲は表IIに記載された4つの化合物すべてをカバーしている。また、IIIのピーク面積比1:3は、実際には-COOHと-COO-のモル比が1:1であることを示しており、Nakamotoら4,8が発見した両基の消衰係数の差に基づいている。したがって、Sawyerら5が記録したスペクトルは、彼らの実験条件で純粋なH3Y-が存在していれば、実際にはIVを支持することになる。


Ring-chain tautomerism of halogenated phenolphthaleins and the effect of the halogen substitution have been studied by vibrational spectroscopic and semiempirical MO methods. The vibrational spectra indicate that the content of the colored species (carboxylate form) increases on the substitution of the isobenzofuranone ring, whereas the colorless species (lactone form) becomes dominant on the substitution of phenolic rings. MO calculations have revealed that the substitution of either ring does not change the basic property of the electronic transition of the colored species and that the relative stability of both forms is dependent on the substitution type in accord with the results of the vibrational study.




Infrared (IR) and Raman spectra of phenolphthalein (PP) and its dianion form (sodium and potassium salts) were studied both in the solid state and in aqueous solution. Band assignments were carried out on the basis of the isotope shifts of the ring deuterated and 13C-substituted derivatives. Spectral analyses reveal that the PP dianion exists as mixtures of the benzenoid form (colorless) and the quinonoid form (colored) in the solid state and in aqueous solution, while the neutral PP solely takes the g-lactone form. This work provides the first vibrational spectroscopic evidence for the coexistence of the two species in the PP dianions.




Paths of the Kolbe–Schmitt reaction were investigated by the use of RB3LYP/6-311(+)G(d,p) density functional theory calculations. In a monomer model composed of C6H5O−, Na+ and CO2 affording sodium salicylate [C6H4(OH)CO2 −Na+], a proton-shift step (Z Naturforsch 57a:812, 2002) was found to have an unrealistically large activation energy. In consideration of the phenol volatilization in the Kolbe’s experiment and the need of the linearity of the proton-transfer path, a dimer model was constructed. Again, a mutual proton-transfer step has a large activation energy. Alternatively, in a dimer model, a transfer path where the phenoxide ion in one monomer acts as a proton acceptor was found to have a reasonable energy. Addition of one more sodium ion leads to the significant lowering of activation energies. Thus, in the dimer, two monomers behave differently (A + A → A + B); one is as if it were a catalyst.


RB3LYP/6-311(+)G(d,p)密度汎関数理論計算を用いてKolbe-Schmitt反応の経路を調べた。サリチル酸ナトリウム [C6H4(OH)CO2-Na+]を与えるC6H5O-, Na+, CO2からなるモノマーモデルでは、プロトンシフトステップ(Z Naturforsch 57a:812, 2002)が非現実的に大きな活性化エネルギーを持つことがわかった。Kolbeの実験におけるフェノールの揮発とプロトン移動経路の直線性の必要性を考慮して、二量体モデルを構築した。ここでも、相互のプロトン移動ステップは大きな活性化エネルギーを持つ。その代わりに、二量体モデルでは、一つのモノマー中のフェノキシドイオンがプロトンアクセプターとして作用する移動経路が妥当なエネルギーを有することが判明した。ナトリウムイオンをさらに1個追加すると、活性化エネルギーが大幅に低下することがわかった。このように、二量体では、2つのモノマーは異なる挙動をする(A+A→A+B);一方のモノマーは、あたかも触媒であるかのような挙動をする。