Will doSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
やります。Verizon Wireless Blackberryから送信
I received the bill number 3 but I will before pay the bill number 1 I got earlier. Also, I paid the bill number 2 letting the Japanese address as it was so please ignore it. On the bill number 1, it is written K2863 in the address so I don't think there will be any problems. I will start my business from now so I am hoping on your help. I am not in a hurry so I would like you to also send me the maintenance conditions of every part and a technical memo for every saxophone if possible.I am looking forward for receiving it.
Ill find out for you
こちらのオークションサイトにようこそ。数多くの出品商品の中から、こちらの商品をご覧いただきまして誠に有難うございます。皆さんがご覧になられている商品は、ヤマハ楽器のプロフェッショナルモデル・トランペット「YAMAHA XENOⅡ YTR8335US 金メッキ仕上げ」になります。シリアルナンバーは、310000です。最新のXENOシリーズのトランペットを買うことにしたため、今回、eBAYのオークションに出品いたします。
Welcome to this auction site.Thank you for having chosen to see my articles amongst all the other one.The article you can see is the Yamaha professional model trumpet "Yamaha XenoII YTR8335US with a gold-plating finish". The serial number is 310000. Since I have decided to buy the most recent trumpet of the Xeno Series, I am selling this one on e-bay.
A last word from the seller...I have this time decided to focus on Japanese made musical instruments and Japanese musics and to present them on ebay-auction. Thank you and enjoy the auctions!
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