Sorry, but this time I was looking for a seller with an item in stock and instant delivery, so would you please cancel my order and give me a refund?I'm really sorry for this.If you can cancel the oeder, I will give you a good feedback.
2012年1月11日に「GoDaddy.com で kisaki.biz のドメイン登録を自動更新しました」とお知らせメールを受け取りました。 2013年1月11日 からドメインの自動更新が行われていませんが何故でしょうか?そのためGoogle Apps サービスが中断されてしまって困っています。至急、ドメイン復活の手続きを行いたいのでご連絡ください。
I received a notification e-mail on January 11th,2012 that says "Domain registration of kisaki.biz has been automatically renewed at GoDaddy.com" . However, the automatic domain registration has not been done since January 11th, 2012. Would you explain the reason? Google Apps service has been interrupted since then, and is making me trouble. So I want to restore the domain immediately. Please advise.
2) The machien is high-nicety electronic one. Be sure not to place it in the wet circumstance. If no use for a long time, suggestion is using a moistureproof bag or dustproof bag to pack the machine. But please electrify it for one hour every 15 days about, to avoid its inside electronic parts wet and aging.3) After treatment, be sure to switch off the power, plug out of the power cord, to avoid the machine in burning empty.4) The machine is controlled by the fully-automatic chip of computer,so during using, please don’t also use high-frequency machine arround it, to avoid the machine normal operating. Such as microwave machine, hairdryer and etc. If there are existed interferential phenomenons, normally two.
3. Cautions(1) Before using the instruments, you should clean the skin, and apply theappropriate skin care products, to ensure that the instruments work properly.(2)Before using the instruments, remove metal jewelry removed so as not toweaken the function of the ion pulse.(3)People with sensitive skin will experience slight swelling, this is a normalphenomenon, the swelling will soon subside.(4)40K Fat Cavitation is recommended to be use once a week and more thantwo times per week.(5)Operation of the ultrasonic or 40K Fat Cavitation must have water andother media, otherwise the instrument will have a certain loss.A. dismantling unauthorized modification caused by the failure of this product
3. 注意(1)本装置を使用する前に、皮膚を清潔にしたうえで適当なスキンケア製品を使用し、本装置が正しく機能するようにして下さい。(2)本装置を使用する前に、イオンパルスの効果を弱めないよう、金属製のアクセサリー類は外すようにして下さい。(3)肌が敏感な方は若干むくみを感じる場合がありますが、これは正常な現象であり、しばらくするとむくみは収まります。(4)40K Fat Cavitation は1週間に一度あるいは二度使用することをお薦めします。(5)超音波または40K Fat Caltivation の使用にあたっては必ず水もしくはその他の媒体を使用してください。さもなければ装置は一定の損失を生じます。A. 分解、不正な改造は製品の故障の原因となります。
(b) Thermal Effects: thermal effects of ultrasound can improve the skin surfacetemperature, accelerate the blood circulation, increase uptakes of nutrients of the skin cells, reduce nerve excitability play a role in analgesia, so that the spasm of the muscle fiber relaxation, play the role of antispasmodic. The internal heat is the heat of ultrasound, 79% to 82% of the heat carried away by blood from the active region,18% to 21% of the heat conduction and spread to adjacent tissues, therefore, the patient has no obvious thermal sensation.3. Anticlockwise loop sliding, or sliding back and forth, burn fat.4. From the armpit to the elbow, to promote the skin to tighten.
(a) Mechanical Effect: the power of ultrasonic energy, the role of the face can make skin cells along with the vibration, resulting in micro massage effect, changes in cellvolume, thereby improving the local blood and lymph circulation, and enhance thepermeability of the cell. tissue metabolism and regeneration, soften the tissue,stimulate the nervous system and cell function, and make the skin radiance andelastic.4. Using lymphatic drainage techniques, towards the lymphatic circulation, improve the back curve.Arms1. From the elbow to the armpit, to do a Lymphatic drainage.2. Circular motion to dolymphatic drainage.3. Anticlockwise loop sliding, or sliding back and forth,
(a) 機械的効果:超音波エネルギーのパワーによって皮膚細胞に振動を与えることによりマイクロマッサージ効果と皮膚細胞のボリュームの変化をもたらし、その結果、その部位の血液とリンパの流れを改善し、皮膚の浸透性と組織の新陳代謝と再生機能を高め、組織の柔軟性を高め、神経系と細胞の機能を活性化し、光沢と弾力性のある皮膚を作ります。4. リンパドレナージュ(排出)技術を用いることによりリンパの流れを改善し、背筋のカーブを改善します。腕 1. 肘から脇の下にかけてリンパドレナージュを行います。 2. 円を描くような動きでリンパドレナージュを行います 3. 反時計回りのループを描くようにスライド、あるいは前後にスライドさせます
4. UltrasonicRefers to sound waves that is not audible to the human ear. Normal hearing can hear the sound waves of 16-20 kHz (KHZ), lower than the 16 kHz sound waves known as infrasound or sub-sonic, more than 20 kHz sound waves calledultrasound. The vibrational wave mechanical effects, thermal effects andbio-chemistry effects.4. In accordance with the muscle texture sliding compact buttocks skin. Shape the hip circle slides back and forth. Perfect curve.Shoulder1. First slide up and down, pushing the bladder nerves 2-3 times.2. The role of circular motion in the axillaries lymph nodes.3. Counter-clockwise circular motion, sliding, burn fat.
4.超音波人間の耳には聞こえない音を超音波tいいます。通常耳で聞こえる音波は16~20 kHz (KHZ)の範囲で、16kHz未満の音波を可聴下音あるいは亜音速、20kHzを超える音波を超音速と呼びます。振動波は機械的効果、熱的効果および生化学的効果を生じます。4.筋組織のスライディングにより臀部の皮膚を引き締めることができます。肩1. まず上下にスライドさせ、膀胱の神経を2,3回押します。2. 腋窩リンパ節を円を描くようにロールさせます。3. 反時計回りに円を描くようにスライドさせ、脂肪を燃焼させます。
2. Radio Frequency Technology - RF:It is referred to as a high frequency AC change of electromagnetic waves.Change of more than 10,000 times a second called high-frequency current, while the RF is such a high frequency current. When RF waves penetrate the skin, it causes collagen fiber to heat up to 45 ℃ -65 ℃, the collagen fibers immediately contract, so that the loose skin wrinkles are stretched by the stimulation of dermal collagen hyperplasia gradually promote cellular rejuvenation, so as to achieve the purpose of firming and reduce wrinkles.4. According to the muscle texture sliding improve leg curve.5. According to the muscle texture sliding improve leg curve.
2. 高周波技術-RF:RFとは、電磁波の高周波数での交流変動を意味します。1秒間に10,000回以上変動するものを高周波電流と呼びますが、RFとはそのような高周波電流を指します。RFの波動が皮膚を通過すると、コラーゲン繊維は45 ℃ ~65 ℃まで加熱されて一瞬で密着し、皮膚コラーゲン過形成の促進によって徐々に細胞が若返って皮膚の皺が伸び、皮膚の引き締めと皺の減少という目的が達成できます。4. 筋組織の滑りにより脚のラインが改善されます。5. 筋組織の滑りにより脚のラインが改善されます。
返信ありがとうございます。対応に感謝致します。今後共長い付き合いをしましょう。私はこの商品を3セット買います。◯◯のMatched Sextet を3セットです。89.95*0.92=82.75482.754*3=248.262248.262+36.75=285送料を含め、285ドルのインボイスを送って下さい。また、先ほどebayで購入したものをキャンセルしてください。宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for your response.I appreciate your kind assistance.Hope we can keep long term relationship.I would like to purchase 3 sets of this item, i.e, 3 sets of OO's Matched Sextet.89.95*0.92=82.75482.754*3=248.262248.262+36.75=285Please send me an invoice of 285 USD including shipping charge, and cancel my previous order at eBay.Thank you for your assistance.
Hi, I have something to ask you about the knife that I ordered.According to the order of the client, he want to have the one with a type of hilt as shown in the attached picture.He don't like the rounded or curved shape. Is it acceptable to you?And, do you have a stock of brass hilt, full finger grip, with a handle made of brown micarta or brownish color material ( except leather handle) ?I appreciate your response.Regards,
Regretfully, I received an item with different size which I ordered.I ordered US7 size but you sent me US6. I want to return the item.Your quick response would be appreciated.
経過報告を連絡いただき誠に有難うございます。私達が米国居住者証明書の受取る時期について、問題はありません。お手数をおかけ致しますが引き続きよろしく願いします。Troy of Californiaの新しい住所について了解しました。有難うございます。
Thank you very much for the updated information.There is no problem in the timing of our receipt of Form 6166.We appreciate your continued support.We understood the new address of Troy of California.Regards,
ince this item is new, what is include within the box? Is it everything? Also what is the most possible lowest range of price that is acceptable with you? I really want it but the price is kinda high. :/Sorry, if my English is bad.