2. You can install and use the font software on one (1) computer at a single location. This computer can be connected to, and the font software used with, any number of output devices, such as a laser printer, ink jet printer, an imagesetter or a film recorder, but the font software may be downloaded to the memory (hard disk or RAM) of only one (1) output device for the purpose of having such font software remain resident in the output device. If you need to download the font software to more than one output device or install it on more than one computer, you are required to purchase additional licenses.
2. 1つの場所にある1台のコンピュータにフォントソフトウエアをインストールして使用することができる。フォントソフトウエアを使用するコンピューターは、たくさんの出力装置(例えばレーザープリンター、インクジェットプリンター、イメージセッター、あるいはフィルムレコーダーのような装置。)に接続することができる。しかし、フォントソフトウエアはメモリー(ハードディスクもしくはRAM)にのみしかダウンロードできない。出力装置にフォントソフトウエアを残す目的として1台の出力装置にだけフォントソフトウエアをダウンロードできる。フォントソフトウエアを1台以上の出力装置や、もしくは複数の台のパーソナルコンピューターにダウンロードする必要がある場合は、ライセンスを買い足す必要がある。
手書き指向アプリケーション2012年、ついに登場!今までの常識を打ち壊し、新しい世界を実現する時が来ました!特別な知識、特別な技術、特別な才能、不要誰でも利用する事ができるアプリケーション、それが書き撮るナビです!手書きだから、できます!書き 手で書く撮る 写真を撮るナビ 整理するという内容から構成され、Post-itやノート等にナビゲーション機能を追加したアプリケーションです。アプリケーションは無料ですので、ダウンロードし、利用してください。
Hand-writing applicationDebut in 2012!Old days are over and the new era has come.No special knowledge, skill nor talent required."Write and Shot Navi", application for everyone. Hand writing application. That's why it is easy to use.Write: hand writingShot: photo shootingNavi: SortingThe application is constructed with three modes above.It includes Post-it, note and navigation function. Free of charge. Please download and try it now.
心配しなくても大丈夫です。現在、オークションで売りに出しているスピーカーとは別に、私はJBL製の同じ型のスピーカーセット(新品)をもう一つ持っています。だから、あなたの娘さんに送るスピーカーはちゃんとあります。ただ、私は今、仕事の出張で自宅の倉庫を離れており、3日以上あとにしか家に帰れないので、あなたがもし大変急いでいるのなら、その希望に答えることが出来ません。だから、特に急いでない場合にのみ、注文して下さい。そしたら EMS郵便で娘さんに荷物を送ります。
You don't need to worry. Besides the speaker on sale at auction now, I have another speaker set (brand new), which is the same JBL model. So, I have one set for your daughter.However I am on a business trip now and away from my warehouse at home. I won't be back home for a while (at least three days). If you are in a hurry and can not wait, I am afraid to say but I can't meet your request. If you can wait, please give me an order. I will send it to your daughter via EMS postal service.
そして、もし良ければ、SONY のスピーカーやその他の小物(写真あり)も、無料で一緒に送らせていただきます(おまけです)。あと、電話番号は書きましたが、電話でお話しするのは難しいと思います。何故なら、私は英会話が得意ではなく、あなたが私に話しかけても会話が伝わらなくて困惑する可能性があるので。だから、なるべくメールでの連絡でお願いします。すばらしい オーストラリアの地 からのお便り、ありがとうございました。愛をこめて。(他に何か希望があれば言って下さい。)
If you like, I can send a SONY speaker set and accessories (see the photo) for free of charge together.I wrote my phone number but I don't think we can communicate well with each other because I am not a native English speaker. I prefer to communicate with you via email.Thank you for sending me a letter from a wonderful place in Australia.Best regards,Please do not hesitate to let me know any requests if you have.
We delivery wonderful item in Japan to the world.We have a wide variety of item from the home-use to the pro-use.We are happy to support your kitchen life.Please contact us for anything about item on sale or for any request to us.
Hello. I really enjoyed visiting your page and seeing your beautiful products. However, I wondered whether you would be interested in hiring me to rewrite your copy in English that will be easier to understand, and show your company in a better light. I have an M.A. degree in English from Loyola University in Chicago, and have taught college writing for many years. You can see some examples of my writing on my photography website: www.lauramarland.zenfolio.com Please take a moment to look it over and contact me if you are interested. Again, your products are very beautiful. Laura Marland, M.A.
こんにちは。美しい品物が載っているあなたのホームページを楽しく拝見させていただきました。しかしながら、あなたのコピーを英語でより分かりやすくし、そしてあなたの会社をよりよく分かるように書き直すために私を雇ってくださるのではと思いました。私はシカゴのLoyola(ロイオア)大学で英語学の単位を取得しました。そして長年に渡り大学にてライティングを教えてきました。www.lauramarland.zenfolio.com ぜひご覧くださり、もし興味があるようでしたら連絡をください。繰り返しになりますが、あなたの商品は本当にすばらしいです。Laura Marland, M.A.
You can not delete this page here. Delete the page from the main display of the start-up.Due to lack of the memory space in device, application may abend. Stop other applications in operation and restart.Your battery is low. Charge it early.Your battery is going dead. Charge it immediately.Character size settings, thinner, thin, normal, bold, bolderLoading now. If the display does not change, please restart.Configure the details for a linked site.
Hello. I received your offer today, and I am seriously considering it. However, since you live in Japan, how difficult will it be for me to ship her? For example, do I have to put Elsa in a tiny box like I did when shipping Mera to Australia? Just let me know your postal rules, and then I can get back to you. Thanks so much.
SOBA Liveプライバシーポリシー第1条(総則)株式会社SOBAプロジェクト(以下、弊社といいます。)では、以下の個人情報の保護に対する考え方に基づき、個人情報の取り扱いに厳重な注意を払っております。
SOBA Live privacy policyArticle 1 General ruleSOBA project company, limited (hereinafter called the company) shall handle private information with great care based on the policy of protecting private information.
Please confirm how much total you wire transfer to us, so we can with the bank, thanks.
"R11 9dot"が届きました。新品で購入しましたが、プレートに擦り傷があります。割引をお願いできますでしょうか。
I received "R11 9dot".I bought it as a brand new one but they have some scratch on its plate.Could you give me some discount?
I've contacted UPS to ask them to hold the package for 5 business days at their UPS Hub. If it's not picked up during that time it will be returned to us, and we'll issue a full refund when we process the return. So, please be sure that your package will be returned back to Amazon and we will issue refund.If you do not wish to wait longer, please call the UPS and ask them to return it to Amazon, so that before it reached the UPS hub it will be returned back to Amazon and as informed once we will issue refund once we process the return.Here is the contact number of UPS: 1-800-742-5877.I hope this solution works for you. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
I am writing to you because I would like help you with English-to-Japanese translation for your web site.I am enjoying playing games at your website.The games on your web site are quite popular in Japan as well.Many well-known game players are playing games there.Since you have been providing game instructions in Japanese, we are very happy about it. However those translated instructions are bit of funny and kind of broken Japanese.
I am wondering if I could help you with translation.If the instructions became better one in proper Japanese, I assume that people could enjoy your games more.I am glad if you could think about my offer. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
ドクタージョンソン様はじめまして。私は日本に住んでいる森 誠です。貴方の治療が受けたくてメールしました。38歳で、両目とも後部硝子体剥離が原因の飛蚊症です。視界の中心部が見えにくくなり、とてもつらい状態です。5月20日前後に渡米し、治療を受けたいと思っています。ご予定はいかがでしょうか?
Dear Dr. Johnson,Hello, my name is Makoto Mori, living in Japan.I am writing to you because I want to have a treatment from you.I am 38-year old and suffering from floaters from posterior vitreous detachment with both eyes.I have problem in my view, especially at around the center of the view. I can not see things well.If possible, I would like to fly to USA and see you around on May 20.May I ask what date would suit you best?
sorry, never mind the extra fees, I thought you were out of the country, I'll have the numbers in the morning
Please send me your URL so that I can confirm your portfolios.Please upload your portfolios in PDF. (PDF only)Please fill out your estimated hours and cost for designing one icon.Please enter the URL of a web site which you want to design.Please fill out your estimated hours and cost for designing a web site if we ask you to do so.
As a collector my self , ever since I got in to this business I have always tried to do thing different, I have always done thing differently as I would like as a collector to have for my collection, and pushed the limit. This being with the special colors of MR which originally started with the Reventon I did with the engine on a special base or Looksmart , and special bases which there are to many to list, or even models signed by drivers with special bases if you all remember . If what I am doing now is wrong now, I should have been in jail for what I have done in the past.
私自身、コレクターとして、このビジネスをはじめて以来、常に違う事をするよう努めてきた。コレクターとして自分のコレクションのために自分の好きな様なやり方で精一杯いつもやってきた。これはReventon を最初に始めたMRの特別カラーだったので、あなたがすべて覚えているかもしれながいが、特別なベースやLooksmart のエンジンや、書き切れないほどの特別なベース、特別なベースにドライバーのサインが入ったモデルでさえも手がけた。もし今私がやっていることが間違いであるならば、これまで私がやってきたことに対して刑務所に入らなければならないだろう。
Also I do have a 30 days return policy with no questions asked which means any one that think they are being cheated can return the models back.As far as dealers I am very happy that now they are also doing some special models, I do wish them the best of luck, and I hope they are very successful in what they do, as this is what collectors want and I am glad that they also see the this and I hope this will be good for all collectors all over the world.Pascal Good luck and I hope you sell a lot of these special models.
Also as an advise to you all, and to clear one point from Pascals email, if you are bidding on any auction on Ebay mine or any one else's, He is correct please do read the auction as well, do not buy any item on ebay by just looking at the title as title is limited on space and everything can not be put on the title of the auction.
すべての人へのアドバイスです。Pascals のメールについて1点明確にしたいと思います。Ebayで私の物や他の人の物を入札する場合は、彼が正しいです。オークションについても読んでください。ただタイトルだけ見てEbayで品物を買わないでください。スペースは限られていますので、すべてについてオークションのタイトルに書くことはできませんので。