chiakipenguin 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
chiakipenguin 英語 → 日本語


This is obvious but test everything, not just the success scenario but also the wrong ones. Test for malicious inputs (sql injections, weird characters, etc). Make sure you got the flow right, speedy return and easy to understand language.

I usually ask about 10 random friend outside of the company to test a couple of scenarios from different browsers, OS and countries to identify problems. You will not get everything but at least you’ll get a couple of squashed bugs just enough to get it launched. After that, if you’re an e-commerce, test your purchase, customer service and return policy procedure and make sure they work nicely and as promised.


1. 全てをテストすること



chiakipenguin 英語 → 日本語

Don’t forget to test from mobile and tablets as well. For mobile development you can use TestFlight or HockeyApp to invite beta testers and monitor crash logs.

2. Recheck your solid first-traction plan

Ok you’re ready for a launch, have you gotten yourself a solid first-traction plan? You know, the plan on getting your first one thousand users? Do you have a budget for marketing?

Think about how you can gain traction. You can advertise on media, make a campaign in social media, do a funny video promoting your website.

You can also launch on a big event like Echelon, Startup Asia or Popcon Asia to get initial offline traffic. Events like that does not cost much and is pretty effective on gaining early adopters.


携帯やタブレットからもテストすることを忘れないで。携帯向けの開発では、TestFlight や HockeyApp を使えば、ベータテスターの招待やクラッシュログの監視ができる。

2. 初期の注目獲得プランを再度チェックすること

さてローンチの準備ができたようだ。初期の注目獲得プランは出来ているかな? そう、最初の1000名のユーザを獲得するプランのことだ。マーケティング予算はある?


また、Echelon や Startup Asia or Popcon Asia といった大きなイベントでローンチすれば、初期のオフラインのトラフィックを獲得できる。こうしたイベントにはそれほど費用はかからず、アーリーアダプターを獲得するには非常に効果的だ。

chiakipenguin 英語 → 日本語

We’re not trying to be the something-something of Indonesia, really, because we believe that Indonesia has a unique music listening and online behavior, so applying some foreign concept directly to the local market just won’t cut it. For the freemium model, let’s put simply that we will give some more enjoyable experience to paid users. We only allow people to put two songs in their jukebox to be played without registering, since we’re in beta mode, we’d like to get people to get the experience first. If you stick around for a little longer, you’ll find out that you need to register to explore the service. For the official launch and mobile app, I cannot disclose that yet.

