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Now comes a second live stream coding site called Livecoding.TV from a small team based in Berlin and London. The site just became available as a beta 10 days ago, according to one of the cofounders, Jamie Green.Green said that the goal of the site was in part to entertain, but mostly to educate. He said that he and his cofounder, Dr. Michael J. Garbade, had trouble finding resources when they wanted to improve on their basic coding skills.In addition, he points out that live streaming is a way for programmers to build their reputation and gain their own following.
ベルリンとロンドンの小さいチームから、今第二のライブストリームのコーディングサイト「Livecoding.TV」ができた。共同設立者の一人、 Jamie Greenによると、10日前このサイトが利用できになった。Greenは言う、このサイトの目的は娯楽になったより、教育したほうが重視する。彼と彼の共同設立者、Dr. Michael J. Garbadeは基本的なコーディング技術を改良したいとき、資源を探す問題があったと言った。さらに、プログラマに対して、ライブストリーミングから名声を確立できるし、自分の支持者も増加できると彼を言う。
1.My shipping agent does not have a courier account that ships to Japan. This is because we have only been shipping to internationally to Europe and Australia. It will take us some weeks to set up courier shipping to Japan so let me know if it is okay to proceed using your Fedex account. If yes, I can draft an invoice for you with no shipping fees. Let me know if that is okay and the number of foam rollers you would like to order.2.For the bonus DVDs I mentioned in my previous email for a cost of $2.50, the case will only be a card board case. But I am providing you with the higher quality case for the samples so you can see the full quality,