We are able to write and communicate like this just on e-mail, but normally not good at speaking English. So, we have hired an interpreter in your country. We're planning to meet the interpreter at 7:30 a.m. in the airport.Then, how about meeting in the airport at 8 am?Finally, my business teacher, two photographers and me have decided to join.
What is the cost shipped for each my other distributor had them for $28 shipped to me but wanted to see what you can do. This one I need below please
熊本で大きな地震が発生したので、TVやスマホで報道をチェックしています東京に影響はありません私はSkypeでビデオを有効にしています 私の映像が映っていませんか? かけ直しましょうか?左から2番めのバナーをクリックしてくださいあなたの国でもサービスを展開しているみたいですおそらくそのサービスを日本に対応させたいのでしょう電車で移動中に短い動画をよく見ますビジネスモデルが不明なので聞いてみますぜひ一度試して感想を聞かせてくださいあなたの携帯の通信会社はどこですか?
I'm checking news on TV and smart phone because a big earthquake happened in Kumamoto. We have no trouble in Tokyo.Currently, my skype account is logged in and calling you on video phone. Can you see me on your display? Shall I call you again?Please click on second icon from left.You can use the service from your country.Perhaps, they are looking forward to making it possible to use the service in Japan.I often watch short movies on the train.I'm asking you because I'm not sure what business model it is taking.Please try it, and let me know how it was.Which cell phone company do you use?