
Yuma (casterxcaster) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
casterxcaster 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The city is expected to grow to 500,000, but the first plan is for 150,000. The site is a magnificent agricultural plateau at the foot of the Himalayas. Here, for the first time, Le Corbusier's theory of the Seven Routes has been fully employed. These are V1: Express highways. V2: Civic avenues of monumental character. V3: Fast traffic roads from which entrances to buildings, sidewalks and pedestrians are excluded. V4: Shopping streets. V5: Distributor streets from shops to neighbourhoods. V6: Service streets to houses. V7: Footpaths and green ways.

In Chandigarh two V28 traverse the city. One contains commercial buildings until, in the west, it enters the Intellectual Core.



チャンディーガルでは、28もの道路が2種類に渡って町を覆っていた。そのうちのひとつは、西部で、Intellectual Coreの時代まで商業建物をも含んでいた。

casterxcaster 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Totally awesome guitar.I mean really,WOW!Got this by trading in a Fender '72 reissue Tele, PRS SE Singlecut with EMGs, a Baby Taylor, an Ibanez half-stack solid-state amp with B-52 cab,a powered pedal board,an OD pedal and a Boss TU-3 tuner AND gave the guy $700.and it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!This guitar REALLY DOES do it all, has a very good, authentic acoustic tone, and I've played everything from that to clean electric (really shines there), to low and medium gain, and even hi-gain diezel VH-4 amps...and it handled it ALL wonderfully! I play praise and worship music at my church and I'm lead guitarist, but do a lot of singing too and this guitar really shines once you get used to the location of the controls.


ほんとうにやばいギターだよ。ほんとに、ほんとうに良いよ!’72年製造フェンダー・テレキャスターの復刻版にEMGの付いたPRS SEシングルカット、Baby Taylor、さらにはB-52 cab、電源のあるペダル・ボード、オーバー・ドライブ、BossのTU-3チューナー、それからなんと700ドルも付けて交換したギターなんだ。ほんとうに、ほんとうにその価値はあったね!このギターの仕事はね、驚くほど幅広いんだ。まずはすごく良質なアコースティックの音色、これは本物さ。そこから、僕はクリーンのエレキ・サウンドを確かめた(ほんとうにきらびやかな音を奏でるよ)。それからlowとmediumのgainと、さらにはhi-gainのdiezel VH-4アンプまで試した...すべてにおいて素晴らしい仕事をしてくれるね!僕は教会で賛美歌の音楽をリード・ギタリストとして演奏しているんだけど、歌ったりもするんだ。一度コントロールの仕方がわかって慣れてしまえば、ほんとうにこのギターは文句のつけようがないほどいいよ。

casterxcaster 英語 → 日本語

He called in a larger force of troops. As the people would not allow him even so to pass through, the soldiers divided right and left on either side of the street and the forum, and made their attack from the narrow lane, striking down those whom they met. The people could no longer find ready escape on account of the crowd, nor was there any way out of the forum. There was a scene of slaughter and wounds, while shrieks and groans sounded from the housetops. Antony made his way into the forum with difficulty, and snatched Octavian from the most manifest danger, in which he then was, and brought him safe to his house. The mob having been dispersed, the corpses were thrown into the river in order to avoid their



casterxcaster 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

gruesome appearance.It was a fresh cause of lamentation to see them floating down the stream,and the soldiers stripping them, and certain miscreants, as well as the soldiers, carrying off the clothing of the better class as their own property. This insurrection was suppressed, but with terror and hatred for the triumvirs; the famine grew worse; the people groaned, but did not stir.Antony suggested to the relatives of Libo that they should summon him from Sicily for the purpose of congratulating his brother-in‑law,and to accomplish something more important; and he himself promised him a safe-conduct. His relatives wrote promptly and Pompeius acquiesced. Libo, on his arrival, cast anchor at the isle of Pithecusa,



casterxcaster 英語 → 日本語

which is now called Aenaria.15 When the people learned this, they assembled together again and besought Octavian with tears to send letters of safeguard to Libo, who desired to negotiate with him for peace. He did so reluctantly. The people also, threatening to burn Mucia, the mother of Pompeius, with her house, sent her to communicate with her son in the interest of peace. When Libo perceived that his enemies were on the point of yielding, he demanded that the leaders themselves should come together in order to make such concessions to each other as they could agree upon. The people compelled them to this course, and, accordingly, Octavian and Antony went to Baiae.



casterxcaster 英語 → 日本語

and stoned those who did not join them, and threatened to plunder and burn their houses, until the whole populace was aroused, and Octavian came into the forum intending to intercede with the people and to show the unreasonableness of their complaints. As soon as he made his appearance they stoned him unmercifully, and they were not ashamed when they saw him enduring this treatment patiently, and offering himself to it, and even bleeding from wounds. When Antony learned what was going on he came with haste to his assistance. When the people saw him coming they did not throw stones at him, since he was in favor of a treaty with Pompeius, but they told him to go away.When he refused to do so they stoned him also.

