K. Takahashi (benrijapan)

約8年前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(簡体字)
ビジネス IT 商品説明 マニュアル 旅行・観光 グラフィックデザイン

Translation experience on general documents, presentation files and technical specifications, etc. for ten years. Interested in the translation of the history, political and financial articles and travel reviews. Basically I do translation from English to Japanese, since I am native Japanese.

I am also be able to create Excel and PPT files, Photoshop and Illustrator files (both ai and SVG formats).

・Photoshop, Illustratorによる画像編集、作図などを行っています



言語ペア 分野 経験年数 詳細(翻訳内容など) 翻訳例
英語 → 日本語 商品説明 5~10年 製造業メーカーの自社製品、OEM製品のプレゼンテーション資料の英語による作成を多数経験
Since worked in the hardware manufacturers and OEM electric products vendors for 10 years, I have translated tons of the product presentation files (PPT/Word files) in both English and Japanese , and vice versa.
英語 → 日本語 マニュアル 5~10年 Created and translated user manuals from English to Japanese, and vice versa. The products vary. Digital camera, MP3 music player, Forex (currency trading) manuals, etc.
英語 → 日本語 グラフィックデザイン 5~10年 I use Photoshop CS2/Illustrator CS2. I can put Japanese, with making the font outlined, on your art works in accordance with English words in the .psd/.ai files.
英語 → 日本語 ビジネス 5~10年 Septmber2016 - Current
NTT Docomo
Handling the data of the travel package monthly sales that are submitted via smartphones and PCs.
Using MS Excel VBA and Access to compare the received data to the order list and calculate the sales and the profits.
Translation of the words and the document on the system development project for the tourism information web site.

June 2015- March 2016
Java /Android programmer training Bootcamps / School course

February 2013 - June 2015
Localization of the HMI (Human Machine Interface = UI) of the car navigation screen.
Translated words in relation with both hardware and software from English to Japanese. (e.g. [Display settings] -> [表示設定])
Translation of various technical documents, such as "user requirement specification" and "Design review document".

June 2008 - November 2009
iriver Japan
Localization of the UI of the small music/video player's LED screens from English to Japanese.
Translated word-parts displayed on the LED screen of the products from English to Japanese. (e.g. [Resolution] -> [解像度])
Created some user manuals and quick guide with DTP.

Illustrator, Photoshop, Excel VBA, HTML4, CSS
日本語 → 英語 ビジネス 5~10年 Specification documents, user manuals, inquiry documents, e-mail, and PPT files.
日本語 → 英語 IT 5~10年 Specification documents, user manuals, inquiry documents, e-mail, and PPT files.
日本語 → 英語 旅行・観光 3年 I like traveling specifically Asia region. Translated blogs or travel reviews about local region of Japan from Japanese to English at the request of the travel planners, namely the first time visitor to Japan. I can also translate the travel introductory sentence about your (foreign) country that is written in English to Japanese. I have also booked Japanese local hotels, which has only Japanese explanation on their web site, instead of the visitors.


レベル & 言語ペア Market依頼
(完了数 / 作業中数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
Starter 英語 ≫ 日本語 0 0  / 0 2  / 1279
Starter 日本語 ≫ 英語 0 0  / 0 1  / 239
Starter 中国語(簡体字) ≫ 英語 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 英語 ≫ 中国語(簡体字) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 中国語(簡体字) ≫ 日本語 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 日本語 ≫ 中国語(簡体字) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0