Wo wo slow down that was not mentioned in any description anywhere with no warning at all seeing as it's near Christmas I'm now down to £2.50 because if Christians presents I know how much my little brother wanted this so this seemed like the best place to buy it you can't just throw that in with no warning or anything that's just bad service
ウォ ウォ スロー ダウン に対してはどのような警告もありません。クリスマス間近ということもあり、こちらを2.5フランまで値下げいたします。クリスマスという行事は、私の小さな弟がこれをどんなに欲しがっているか、私に知らせてくれます。この値段はとても値ごろです。この安全で素晴らしい商品を買わずに置く手はありません。
I really love this bag and am in college and can't afford the new one. I'm working extra work shifts just so I can purchase this. I know that it's not your problem but can we please make a payment arrangement, or lower the price, or give me more time until I can make the money, or something. Thank you for your consideration. I truly appreciate it. Hi, you had 2 Contax 645 cameras for sale, only see 1 now. What happen to the second one? It does not look like it sold, am looking to purchase two of them, please get back to me about this.Thank you
I just spoke to Ebay and It is no problem if I do not open up a caseI understand about seller defects very well.They did however suggest that you either send me a return label or send funds for a labelthrough PaypalThe label must be able to be trackable for Ebay If I purchase it myself they will not cover it.So I have checked USPS for shipping costs to japan with insurance and sig. confirmation should be approx. $61It is quite more expensive to ship from the USAPlease let me know what I should do?
@40K Cavitation Explode ProcedureApply the cavitation theory, uses the 40KHzultrasound to make intense vibration, which causes ainner explosion in the fat tissues, thus get rid oflipocyte. It can effectively break down stubborn anddeep fat, decrease lipocyte quantity and its size.The diathermal of the low frequency ultrasound canpromote lipocyte and tissues liquid flow, which helpdrainage of fatty acid, waste and toxin through lymphsystem.1.Clean the parts and applied gel on fleshy parts(e.g. abdomen, hip, thigh) .The amount depends onmoving flexibility of the cavitation explode work head.
@40k カビテーション エクスプロード使用手順カビテーションの理論に基づいて、40khzを使用します。強力音が、脂肪の組織を内側から燃焼させる強力な振動を発生させ、それによって、類洞周囲脂質細胞を取り除きます。これは効果的に、頑固で深くまで癒着した脂肪を燃焼脂肪させ、類洞周囲脂質細胞の量と体積を減らします。低振動数を発生させる強力音の透熱療法は、類洞周囲脂質細胞とその周りの組織を液状化し、脂肪質の酸を洗い流し、リンパを通して毒素を排出する手助けをします。1. 脂肪を燃焼させたい部位を清潔にし、直接ジェルを塗ります。(例: 腹部、尻、もも)量はカビテーションエクスプロードの振動数によります。