今はだいぶマシだけど、いつも取引先の社長とかが私のfacebookをみて、〜にいたでしょ? 〜で飲んでたの? とか聞いてくる。聞かれるのが嫌だからあんまり更新してなくて。彼らはまるでストーカーみたい。 笑あなたの国でもこういう事あるの?お役にたてて嬉しいな。住む場所って重要だし、あなたに最適な場所が見つかるように祈ってるね。ハロウィンパーティは今年はとくに予定がない。友達はみんな最近忙しくて。。。
I think it's better than past, but my boss has always seen my facebook page, asked me like 'you were ~, weren't you?' 'you were drinking at ~, weren't you?'. I felt bad about it, so I didn't answer him...They are so stalker! Haha ;)Is there something like this in your country?I am happy to help you!I think residence is important, so I hope you can find the place which is best for you.I have nothing special to do at this halloween, but my friends are so busy these days.