Akiko H. (akikoh) 翻訳実績

10年弱前 女性 40代
Oregon, USA
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 (ネイティブ)
IT マニュアル 文学 漫画
akikoh 日本語 → 英語




The clear vision for us in the Sales department is set in the form of yearly target sales revenue.
To make this objective more concrete, we can think of weekly sales goals as a more tangible goal.
Every Saturday, I review my week and plan for the next.
I record and numerize how much I have accomplished in reaching the yearly target sales, the number of clients I met over the week, and the weekly revenue. This helps me to organize my plans and yearly goals.
By keeping these records, I am able to see where I am on my way to achieving the yearly target sales revenue.

*** NOTE: Please check whether “Sales department” is what you refer to yourselves; if not, please replace with whatever is appropriate
*** I changed some of the wording to avoid redundancy
*** 目標売上= target sales revenue (if you have a different term that you use, please replace this with the correct term)