Chittipat Nitithamyong (akashic_chr0nicler) 翻訳実績

4.7 3 件のレビュー
10年以上前 男性 30代
タイ語 (ネイティブ) 英語 日本語
サイエンス 漫画 文学 音楽 ゲーム 生物 旅行・観光
akashic_chr0nicler 日本語 → 英語

全国の第二地方銀行25行が7月2日、TRC東京流通センターで「地方発!『食の魅力』発見プロジェクト 2014」を開催する。




On the 2nd of July, all 25 branches of the Second Association of Regional Bank from across the country will be hosting [From the earth! The 2014 project for discovery of "Culinary Charm" ] at the TRC, Tokyo Ryutsu Center.

Putting the spotlight over the [undiscovered "foods"] buried all over the nation in the form of regional resources as an opportunity for the improvements of the agricultural commerce and industry by means such as the promotion of market competitiveness, and the promotion of training and expansion within regional food industries.

With the recruitment of undiscovered [regional cuisines brimming with charm] from all over Japan by using the Second Association of Regional Bank network and the application of the know-how of sales stimulation from various fields, a new land of business expansion will emerge.