I used my point I had saved, but I enjoyed more than I expected.The places I only went by train were connected lines.The high speed running was also thrilling.
I really enjoyed this tour.I joined it with my friend and we could feel as if we had become fashion models.First, the stadio was very near Raimon St., about 1-2 walk from there.It appeared that one room of the building was rent as the stadio, so it was little hard to find.But when we stepped in, Kyongmin spokes to us very kindly.The stadio was small, too but we could ask Kyongmin some request and became very pretty.A very chic Kimono and Nagoya Obi(band)! I recommend you shoud wear Nagoya obi!
The view wa far better than that of Hakodate.I could see the TV tower far-off.Because of the strongwind, I was almost blown off but it was marvelous view.
A lot of clabs were also sold, but because it wa very hot and I worried , I didn't buy them.And I had lunch in this street market and Kaisendon(bowl of rice topped with sashimi) was very good.I ate mini sized bowl because I have smaii appetite,, it was just the dose for me.Its arrival and departure was both from Sapporo, so it was very convenient to use trains directly to the airport after the tour.I could ask the bus( of the trunk ) to keep my baggage, so I can move around easily.
It is very beatiful and impressive.It is conveniently located near Sapporo,too.I recommend you should go on the first day of your arrival in Sapporo.
On this tour, I could visit most of the famous spots of Sapporo.Shiroikoibito park had a fairy-taile atomosphere and very pretty, having smells sweety out of the entrance.I enjoyed it as I anticipated.But we have only one hour to look around, it was too short for me.I enjoyed both Sapporo Ramen for lunch and a Mongolian mutton babecue very much.
ご連絡いただきありがとうございます。 該当、USPSの配送状況を確認しましたところ現時点では、アメリカから日本へ発送されたとの入力はございませんので、まだアメリカ国内に保管されている可能性が高いと思われます。受取人様の電話番号を送り状に記載しておりましたので、USPSより受取人様へ電話連絡を実施して欲しい旨を要求してみます。何卒宜しくお願いいたします。
Thank you your contact.We tracked the status of the shippment and have found that at present there is no input of the shippment from the US to Japan, so it is possible that the item is being stored in the US.We wrote the tel.number of the addressee,so I will request USPS to call the addressee.Thank youfor your understanding.
【App Store】【Google Play】■LINE ステージ対応端末:iPhone/Android対応言語:日本語、英語、台湾語、タイ語サービス開始日:2014年9月18日価格:無料(アイテム課金・有料楽曲あり/楽曲購入時課金)運営:LINE株式会社
【App Store】【Google Play】■LINE 台应付终端:iPhone/Android应付语言:日語、英語、台湾话、泰语服务开始日期 2014年9月18日価价格:免费(一部品目和歌曲收费/购入歌曲时收费)经营管理:LINE有限公司
Koda Kumi / Dance In The RainDirector,Art Director:YKBXFashion Director,Stylist:Misha JanetteCostume Special Thanks:Yohji Yamamoto discord, Limi feu, Roggykei3D Sound Artist:Evala
KUMI KODA/ Dance In The Rain编导/艺术编导:YKBX服装编导,服装师 :Misha Janette服装特别感谢:Yohji Yamamoto discord, Limi feu, Roggykei3D音乐艺术家:Evala
I can understand your Japanese.But ~ is said ~ exactly.I see! It was the motive for you to get interested in Japan that a woman wearing a Yukata visited your school.I think it will be nice if you can meet the woman again in the future.I got IT related job because I really enjoyed the class for Web site construction when I was a student.The reason I started learning English in earnest is because I had an experience I couldn't understand the conversation in English at all when I joined in the event sponsored by ~ in Japan.
PI Show commemorates 50th anniversaryFor 3 days between Oct. 15th and 17th, "The 50th international premium insentive show in autumn 2014 "will be held in the Sunshine Convention Center.PI Show cerevrates 50th anniversary this time.In this commemorative special event includes many kinds of plans such as social gathering, thanks-giving presentation to continuous exhibitors, and special lecture for 50th anniversary .In addition they are preparing the free distribution of sample bags, which will be presented to the first 100arrivals over the 3days.
Hello.Thabk you for your early reply.It was a little late ,but I have finished the site about eighty percent of a whole, so would you check it?If there is something to fix , please tell me.This site has some parts that need revision, so I'll revise day by day.About pictures, if you have some pictures you want to use, I can change. Please send them to me.In assition, I have one request , when the items are imported to Japan, it has a duty
Hello,I would like to place an order for two CNS12-1.I'll place an order formally, before that, can you take this mail as a tentative order and keep the item for me?I appreciate your help.
This transaction has once completed.I have paid and received the item.But the item I received had terrible conditions completely different from the discription written by the seller.So I contacted with the seller and claimed for a refund and goods returned.The seller agreed so I returened the item.After that, the item arrived to the seller, but he has not make a refund.He has both the item and the money.If he doesn't refund, he should deliver the item again.
Thank you for your contact.The item left Japan on Oct. 10th (Japan time) and due by Air mail via USA.But Japan Post says they don't know where the item is now, either.Japan Post will claim for searching and investigate thedetails.Sorry for your inconvinience but please wait a while.We hope your understanding.
秘密箱9+1回仕掛け 引き出し付き約15センチのサイズで9回しかけの秘密箱。中から引き出しがでてきてプラス1回の秘密の部屋もあります。
Puzzle box with 9 plus 1 tricks includeing a drawer.This puzzle box is about 15cm and includes 9 tricks and a drawer in the box also have a trick( secret box)
10/12(日)東洋学園大学流山キャンパス 鰭鰭祭 伊藤千晃出演決定伊藤千晃トークショー東洋学園大学流山キャンパス 鰭鰭祭【日程】10月12日(日)【会場】東洋学園大学流山キャンパス 第二体育館 〒270-0161 千葉県流山市鰭ケ崎1660【開場/開演】17:00/18:00(16:00より入場整理開始)
10月12日星期天 决定于东洋学园大学流山校园鳍鳍节 伊藤千晃出演 伊藤千晃脱口秀在东洋学园大学流山校园鳍鳍节【日程】 10月12日星期天【会场】 东洋学园大学流山校园第二体育馆 地址〒270-0161 千叶县流山市鰭个崎1660【开场/开演】 17点/18点16点开始处理入场
11/22(土) 厚木市制60周年カウントダウン事業「第1回あつぎミュージックフェスティバル」出演決定!11月22日(土)に厚木市文化会館大ホールで開催される、厚木市制60周年カウントダウン事業「第1回あつぎミュージックフェスティバル」に三浦大知が出演することが決定しました!厚木市制60周年カウントダウン事業 第1回あつぎミュージックフェスティバル
11月22日星期六决定于厚木市60周年COUNTDOWN事业 第一回厚木音乐祭典出演!11月22日星期天在厚木市文化会馆大会场召开的厚木市60周年COUNTDOWN事业 第一回厚木音乐祭典决定DAICHI MIURA上演厚木市60周年COUNTDOWN事业 第一回厚木音乐祭典
【問い合わせ】文化生涯学習課 TEL:046-225-2508 (平日8時30分~17時15分)【チケット発売】ホットスタッフ・プロモーション TEL:03-5720-9999(平日12時~18時)
Reference Curture and lifelong leraning sectionTel 046-225-2508(weekday 8:30-17:15)Ticket selling Hotstuff promotion Tel 03-5720-9999(weekday 12:00-18:00)
Coming up on Saturday November 22st Atsugi City's 60th anniversary countdown event ' The 1st Atsugi Music festival'MIURA DAICHI will appear on Atsugi City's 60th anniversary countdown event ' The 1st Atsugi Music festival'which is to be held in the Atsugi city cultural hall (Large hall) on Saturday November 22st.Atsugi City's 60th anniversary countdown event The 1st Atsugi Music festival'