Ai Uada (ai6386) 翻訳実績

Tokyo, JP
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ai6386 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Octavianus for his part exerted every art to win the confidence of Cicero, or at least to commit him openly to the revolutionary cause. By the beginning of November daily letters passed between them. Octavianus now had an army of three thousand veterans in Campania. He pestered Cicero for advice, sending to him his trusty agent Caecina of Volaterrae with demands for an interview, for Cicero was close at hand. 1 Cicero refused to be compromised in public. Then Octavianus urged Cicero to come to Rome, to save the State once again, and renew the memory of the glorious Nones of December. Cicero was not to be had. He left Campania and retired to Arpinum, foreseeing trouble.

