I think it wasnt working maybe its blocked? again sorry for the delays, its been a terrible time with illnesses.you will give me trouble? what do you mean by that? I am a very honest seller as all my feedback states and I have never ever had any trouble with anyone, been doing business for many many years. I have been trying to send the pictures not sure why I thought it may be blocked because i try from my cell phone or my tablet. I have been in and out of town for the past two months. I explained the delay to you but as I stated she is packed up and ready to go, if you prefer a refund let me know as I do not like anyone telling me that they will give me trouble.
For this latest project, Eutelsat is setting up a new company, based in London, to oversee the African satellite broadband rollout. Facebook says it will work with “local partners” across Africa to help deliver services, using both satellite and terrestrial capacity.“Facebook’s mission is to connect the world and we believe that satellites will play an important role in addressing the significant barriers that exist in connecting the people of Africa,” said Chris Daniels, VP of Facebook’s Internet.org program. “We are looking forward to partnering with Eutelsat on this project and investigating new ways to use satellites to connect people in the most remote areas of the world more efficiently.”
このプロジェクトのため、Eutelsatはロンドンをベースにした新しい会社を設立し、アフリカでのサテライトブロードバンドの普及の監督にあたらせる。Facebookはアフリカの「ローカルパートナー」と共に、サテライトと地上波を使ってサービスを供給すると言っている。「Facebookの使命は世界をつなげることです。アフリカの人々がつながるのに妨げになっていた多大な障壁を取り崩すために、サテライトが重要な役割を果たすと我々は信じています」と、FacebookのInternet.orgのプログラムVPであるChris Daniels氏は言う。「私たちはEutelsatとこのプロジェクトでパートナーとなること、そしてサテライトをどのように使えるか、新しい試みを考えることで世界の最も疎外された地域でも効率良く人をつなげることが出来るのを楽しみにしています。」
Founded in 1977, Paris-based Eutelsat provides satellite capacity for many parts of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas, and is used by thousands of TV, radio, and cable networks, powered by Eutelsat’s access to 39 satellites that orbit the Earth.
Although it now claims a whopping 1.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook has been looking to emerging markets to sustain its growth — markets that have hitherto been stymied by limited Internet access. Back in 2013, Facebook launched Internet.org, a collaborative project to help “connect the next five billion.” It went to market with some notable mobile-focused companies onboard, including Samsung, Microsoft, and Qualcomm. A number of projects have emerged since then, including an India launch back in February that promised to bring Internet access to millions of new users.
However, Internet.org has faced increasing criticism for only permitting users access to select websites free of charge, including Facebook and a curated selection of local websites. The core complaint has centered around the question of net neutrality, and whether Facebook can dictate what content is accessible through its free app and mobile website. But a couple of weeks back, Facebook renamed the Internet.org apps and website as “Free Basics by Facebook,” and opened up to more developers and web services.
しかし、Internet.orgはFacebookや特定の地元サイトなど、決まったウェブサイトのみユーザーに無料でアクセスできるようにしているなど、高まる批判も受けてきた。批判の中心はネットの中立性で、Facebookの無料のアップやモバイルのサイトで何がアクセス出来るか、その内容をFacebookが決めていいのかが問題になっている。しかし、数週間前、FacebookはInternet.orgのアップとウェブサイトを「Free Basics by Facebook」と名称変更し、より多くのディベロパーやウェブサービスに間口を広げた。
The broader Internet.org concept remains, however, and this will continue to provide a platform for new projects such as Aquila, a massive drone designed to deliver Internet access to developing countries. Aquila is a solar-powered aircraft that creates a 50-kilometer communications radius for up to 90 days. It’s similar to Google’s own experimental Project Loon, which promises Internet delivery by hot air balloons.It looks like the battle of the tech giants to bring Internet access — and their own associated services — to the next few billion people is starting to heat up.
広義のInternet.orgの考えは今でも残っており、巨大なドローンを使って発展途上国にインターネットのアクセスを広げるAquilaなど、新しいプロジェクトを展開する地盤となっている。Aquilaは、半径50キロの通信範囲を90日間継続させられる、太陽エネルギーを使って動く飛行機である。これはGoogleが実験的に行っているProject Loonと似ており、こちらは熱気球を使ってインターネットを可能にすることを約束している。どうやら次の数十億人にインターネットのアクセス、と共に自分たちの関係サービス、を広げるテク業界の巨人たちの戦いが熱くなってきそうだ。
These quantities would need to be ordered over a 12 month period from the date of the agreement. We have used similar models to this in the establishment of markets in both Europe and South Africa with tremendous success for the brand as well as the distributors, this size of order has allowed them to maintain inventory and also to increase the size of orders for the following year.For all products, I do not believe it makes sense for us to offer exclusivity at this point though it is something we can revisit in the future.
Would you like us to use your account for shipping also? We don't have a good discount with FedEx so it will probably be cheaper to ship on your account.Please let me know if the invoice is correct and we will prepare your order for shipment. These products should be well in stock in January. We also expect to have stable stock throughout the year. The only options which may not have stock availability is G&W, I'm not sure if that one will be getting reordered in large quantities.As to exclusivity, are you interested in exclusivity for our World Collection (recycled plastic rugs) only or are you looking for exclusivity on all products? I ask because the minimum order amount would vary depending on your interest
Commidity price you mean price and delivery for both items as neither have arrivedYes?