翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2018/02/08 16:28:08

oooooohy 50 宜しくお願いします。

as per usps shipment has arrived and you refused the package for this reason they have returned to me and they have refused to re-deliver because I have to receive it then ship it again. As everybody knows and for obvious reason Houston was devastated by Hurricane Harvey the area where my house is was flooded (zip code 77079 for your information) so that's the main reason why I haven't received it. I would be going to the facility by next week hoping that waiting hours to claim the shipment are reasonable and would try to re send it. I hope you can understand the situation, additionally i don't do refund but i work fairly with clients. Let me give you an updated during the week. Thanks!"


Per uspsの荷物が到着しました。あなたがこの理由で荷物の受け取りを拒否したので、私のところに戻ってきました。私はその荷物を一度受け取りまた配送しなければならないため、再配達は拒否されました。皆さんご存知のように、ハリケーン・ハービーにより私が住んでいるハウストンは重大な被害を受け、また洪水の被害も受けました。(念のため郵便番号を記載します77079)

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