翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2017/07/14 23:36:41


今回の発注ができなくて、次回 発注した方がいいと言う事ですか。希望した発注は、できなくて、このカタログからしか発注ができないと言う事ですか。以前確認した価格で宜しいでしょうか。この在庫は、いつまで保管が可能ですか。春夏として販売したいので、商品の出荷は、来年以降に発送して欲しいです。この展示会には、誰か行くのでしょうか。


This ordering is not possible, and is it to say that you had better place the order on the next time?
The ordering that I hoped for is not possible, and is said that the ordering is possible only from this catalogue?
Will you be all right at the price that you confirmed before?
As for this stock, till when is storage possible?
I want you to ship the merchandise in after next year because I want to sell it in spring and summer.
Who will go to this exhibition?
I have customers having ordering immediately if I purchase following brand.
Will not an inquiry be possible?
The answer will be after the day after tomorrow because the company is closed.

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