翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2017/04/28 16:11:06

fish2514 52 ご覧頂きまして、どうもありがとうございます。 現役の社内翻訳者です。...



The challenge to three themes was fun.There were a lot of orders designed by other stores in the nail salon I have worked before. So, I often offered a nail art with the materials already we had.Since it is not possible to copy it completely, I simulated it with grasping the point and changed the taste to a customer’s favorite. That is, I worked as the same challenge this time.For the first and the second challenges, I simulated the taste of an example and arranged colors.The third one, I arranged it to the opposite taste of the example by using the method of the example. I will glad if you will like it.

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備考: 海外のネイルアートコンテストへの応募時の感想文です