翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2016/12/09 13:15:31

setsuko-atarashi 50  私は、英語教育界で13年仕事をしてきました。特に、右脳を使った教育方法で...



A study on the Long-Term Care Business and Japanese Language Ability in the Revised Foreign Resource Technical Practice Accuracy
Revised foreign technical training system to which to join the target occupation "care worker and so on" was established in November 2016.
Regarding "care work" targeted "Japanese language ability" and change required for interns, a temporal arrangement was done focusing on study content by the related specialized groups conducted prior to the revision of the law.
For smooth implementation of this system, in coordination/collaboration between dispatch agencies and accepting agencies of interns, it was concluded that quality assurance in Japanese language ability can be mentioned at the top riority.

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