翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/07/07 11:35:54


Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because the following information violates our policy:

You may have used the correct category for your item but you did not use the correct format. Your item should be in Classified Add format.

Please be advised that if listings for these types of items do not meet the requirements they will be considered in violation of this guideline.

You may relist your item as long as you will list it under the correct category and format for Digitally Delivered goods.

I understand that it was not your intention to violate our guidelines that is why I am giving you this information so that we can avoid having the same issue again in the future.



あなたの商品に正しいカテゴリを選択されましたが、正しいフォーマットが使用されていませんでした。あなたの商品は、"Classified Add" フォーマットでなければなりません。




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