翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/01/20 02:06:39

henno 50 イギリスの大学で博士研究員をやっています。アカデミックな話題を中心に幅広く...

China – so close yet so hard

Hong Kong is less than 3 hours flight from China, the golden investing opportunity. However, there are some restrictions that prevent 8securities entering right now. “China financial regulation does not yet permit non Mailnland China brokerages to compete domestically. That said, we are very interested to find a forward looking partner that can help us launch our private social network in China. This partner may be a financial portal who would like to modernize and expand its services. When financial regulation in China eases, we of course look forward to establishing a presence on the ground.”




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