翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/02/28 21:29:23

i356passi 50 建築史(主にイタリア)が専門です。





And the third reason is to develope a faculties of English by being in a circumstance which I have to use English.
On the training in Singapore I couldn't speak English very well, but I tried to speak in English and avoided losing my nerve to comunicate, and so facultys gave me an evalution being best of new employees japanese.

"Man is conditioned by enviroment", then I really felt that this word is true.
With a long terms for projects abroad, as against the training for new employees is only 2 weeks, I will improve abilities to make a contribution to our company in future.

I deeply appreciated you to make time in your busy schedule to read me e-mail.
So could you make an appointment to talk over this matter? Please make me know some date which it suits you, I'll adjust my schedule and hear you.
Thank you for your continued support.

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備考: It's business letter.