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評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2011/12/05 20:50:53


In First Financial Report Since IPO, Tudou Posts $8 Million Net Profit

Tudou (NASDAQ:TUDO) and its CEO Gary Wang may have had a rocky road to their IPO, but since then things have been going pretty well. Sina bought into the company to the tune of 9 percent, they partnered up with former competitor LeTV, and they even got the rights to Cars 2, which is a Pixar movie even if it is empirically the worst one Pixar has made. Now the company’s Q3 financials are showing some more good — and rather surprising — news: profit!

That’s surprising because just a few months ago, some experts were saying Tudou wasn’t expected to report a profit until 2013.



Tudou(NASDAQ:TUDO)とそのCEOのGray Wangは、IPOに至るまでは苦難の道であったが、それからは、極めて順調に進んでいる。Sinaは大枚9%もの会社の株を買いこみ、彼らは元競合相手のLeTVと提携した。そして実証的にPicarの作った中で最悪の映画だとしても、そのCars 1の権利さえも得た。今、会社の第3四半期の財政は、さらに良い-そして驚くべき-ニュース:利益を示している!


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備考: Startupdatingのニュース記事の翻訳です。"〜である”"〜だ”調でお願いします。http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/11/15/tudou-profit/