翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2015/09/08 15:31:48

a_ayumi 52

2. Sponsorship

Introducing “agile” into a marketing organization requires sponsorship, not just from the most senior levels of marketing, but from sales and general management, too. If they’re not committed to it, don’t do it. I once taught a class on Agile Marketing to a group, and the VP of Marketing sat in the back of the room, working on email, occasionally stepping out to attend meetings or perhaps do something else. She never participated in any of the exercises, and the only questions she asked were skeptical. Not surprisingly, agile marketing failed at that organization. I never understood why she spent the money in the first place to bring me in.


2. スポンサー(後援者)


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