翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2015/07/28 17:51:58

keita_29_ 52 現職は機械系専門商社で海外顧客相手のビジネスをしております。 前職では仕...

私のfreight forwarderへ、FedExに連絡するように指示しました。


只今、Biz Letter of Intentという形でdeal memo 作成してます。


I told my freight forwarder to contact FedEx.
I appreciate that this time you are offering 25% discount.
Have you checked the order form that I attached onto this email yet?
Could you please send me the invoice with shipping fee?
I understand the wholesale price and condition at this stage.
I am making deal memo as a Biz Letter of Intent.
I will email you tomorrow regarding what we have agreed so far.
I will include this as well.

レビュー ( 1 )

ctplers99 64 フリーランス翻訳者Ctplers99と申します。日本語ネイティブで、翻訳者...
ctplers99はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/07/29 19:27:58

I told my freight forwarder to contact FedEx.
I appreciate that this time you are offering 25% discount.
Have you checked the order form that I attached onto this email yet?
Could you please send me the invoice with shipping fee?
I understand the wholesale price and condition at this stage.
I am making deal memo as a Biz Letter of Intent.
I will email you tomorrow regarding what we have agreed so far.
I will include this as well.

I told my freight forwarder to contact FedEx.
I appreciate that this time you are offering 25% discount.
Have you checked the order form that I attached onto this email yet?
Could you please send me the invoice with shipping fee?
I understand the wholesale price and conditions at this stage.
I am making deal memo as a Biz Letter of Intent.
I will email you tomorrow regarding what we have agreed so far.
I will include this as well.


備考: 取引先の米国の会社に送る英文です。