翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 67 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2015/05/20 13:35:05

greene 67 母国語は日本語です。在住国は米国です。宜しくお願いします。

Really simple things like getting all the boxes out – can you picture me and my mum at the post office with 72 boxes which all needed to be individually weighed and posted? Big businesses forget about that sort of challenge for SMEs.
I'm a trained chartered accountant so I knew that cashflow is what businesses live or die by. We never keep our people waiting for their money; we use six manufacturers, plus our own factory, I always want to be the one they want to make bags for, and one way to guarantee that is to keep them happy.

The biggest shock I had though was with one of our manufacturers;


箱を全部発送するといった本当に簡単なこと - 私と母が郵便局に72個の箱を持ってきていて、その1個1個それぞれ重さを量って発送している様子を思い浮かべられますか?大企業であれば全く問題にならないようなことが中小企業では大きな課題なのです。


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