翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2015/04/24 11:58:14



幼少期のAさんの両親は、些細なことでよく 怒鳴り合い、物を投げるほどの大きな喧嘩が絶えなかった。しかし、その様子をAさんは、悲しい気持ちで黙って見ているしかなかった。「自分はお父さんや お母さんのようには絶対なりたくない」と反面教師にして、いつも冷静で穏やかな心でいることを心がけていた。そして得意な勉強に夢中になり、その結果優秀な成績をとった。家庭では両親の喧嘩を止められず悲しい気持ちでいたが、学校生活では周囲から認められ、自信を持つことができた。


Childhood experience of A

When A was small, his/her parents had have no end of big fights such as shouting at each other in a trifle or throwing things. But only A could do was saying nothing and looking at them feeling sad. " I will never be like my father and mother." she/he thought and made her/his parents negative example. She/he had tried to stay always calm and quiet. And then she/he was getting deep in studying which she/his was good at, because of that she/he got excellent result. At her/his home, she/he had felt sad because can't stop fight of her/his parents. however people recognized her/him in the school life, she/he could get confident.

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