翻訳者レビュー ( 中国語(簡体字) → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/10/08 12:29:10

dentetu 50

 DoNews 10月8日消息(周然)中国的水货商人并未因乔布斯的离去和iPhone 4S种种诟病,而减缓对苹果手机的销售欲望。在苹果决定在10月14日发布iPhone4S后,中关村部分水货商已开始正式对外接受预定,订金为1000元人民币,到货价格预计在8000元左右,到货时间初步定在10月15日。


DoNews Oct.8th report (Ran Zhou)
Chinese smuggled goods dealer didn't slow the sale appetite of iPhone eventhough the death of Jobs and serious denunciation of iPhone4S. After the Apple decides to launch iPhone4S on Oct.14th, parts of smuggled good dealer from Zhong Guan Cun have started to accept reserves formly with the subscribtion of RMB 1,000. And time of goods arrive will be on Oct.15th with price about RMB8,000.

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