翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/11/23 19:38:24

eglobeman 52 Been engaged in online business since...

ロンドンに続き、東京でも遂に開催!10月25日(土)〜11月3日(月•祝)まで10日間開催される「TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK 2014」にて、“世界初”の360°バーチャルリアリティ•ミュージックビデオの体験が出来る!

各業界で話題騒然となっている最先端テクノロジー 「オキュラスリフト」を用い、360°の映像世界を体感できるVR(バーチャルリアリティ)ミュージックビデオ『Dance In The Rain』の制作を発表した倖田來未。


You can experience the world first 360 degree virtual reality music video at [TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK 2014] held for 10 days from October 25th(Sat.) to November 3rd(Mon.Holiday) in Tokyo following London!

KUMI KODA announced he would make [Dance In The Rain], VR(virtual reality) music video on which you can feel the image world of 360 degree, with the foremost upgraded technology - [ocular slipt] that whirls the hot topics in all the relating line of the business.

レビュー ( 1 )

sanrin88はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2014/11/25 03:08:31

You can experience the world first 360 degree virtual reality music video at [TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK 2014] held for 10 days from October 25th(Sat.) to November 3rd(Mon.Holiday) in Tokyo following London!

KUMI KODA announced he would make [Dance In The Rain], VR(virtual reality) music video on which you can feel the image world of 360 degree, with the foremost upgraded technology - [ocular slipt] that whirls the hot topics in all the relating line of the business.

You can experience the world first 360 degree virtual reality music video at [TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK 2014] held for 10 days from October 25th(Sat.) to November 3rd(Mon.Holiday) in Tokyo following London!

KUMI KODA announced she would make [Dance In The Rain], VR(virtual reality) music video on which you can feel the image world of 360 degree, with the foremost upgraded technology - [ocular slipt] that is much talked about in all business field.

Good translation.

備考: アーティスト名は「KUMI KODA」に統一下さい。