翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2014/11/10 17:45:26

peony 50



Japanese people don't know much about Thai's unique religious beliefs or customs, so a new translated book that gives us new knowledge is valuable.
The original book is very good, but it's regretful that the translation does not explains special terms well, and readers cannot have clear understanding as a result. I think it should be translated from female perspective and with women's language by somebody who knows the customs. Also, the translator must have an ability to write good Japanese sentences that can be easily understood by Japanese people of various ages.
It's true that a lot of people including students are waiting for a translation, but I don't think Japanese publishers do not want to publish his translation, and I don't think it will sell well if it's published.
I think Ms. A can understand the author's ideas better and she will translate well because she has studied about Thai under a folklore professor and she's also in the same generation with the author.

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備考: 私が探していた翻訳本が日本では販売が見送られ、購入できないことを海外の知人に教えてもらいました。「なぜ日本語の本なのに日本では見送られたと思う?」と聞かれて、私なりに考えてみた内容です。

