翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 44 / 1 Review / 2014/10/10 12:09:33




The mistaken item has arrived at Japan.
The total cost including the international shipping fare from New Jersey to Japan, customs duties and domestic shipping fare to our ware house is $ 30.
More cost and time will be taken if the items is returned back to your ware house.
Fortunately, the items with this color are popular with our customer. So we propose to buy them with the price discounted the $ 30 from the original price. How aout this proposal ?
In case you need them to ship back, we need you to pay the return fare of $ 30 , besides $ 30 spent unitl now .
Please let us know your decision and thank you.

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 44
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/10/11 12:24:33

The mistaken item has arrived at Japan.
The total cost including the international shipping fare from New Jersey to Japan, customs duties and domestic shipping fare to our ware house is $ 30.
More cost and time will be taken if the items is returned back to your ware house.
Fortunately, the items with this color are popular with our customer. So we propose to buy them with the price discounted the $ 30 from the original price. How aout this proposal ?
In case you need them to ship back, we need you to pay the return fare of $ 30 , besides $ 30 spent unitl now .
Please let us know your decision and thank you.

The mistaken item [unnatural] has arrived in Japan.
The total cost, including the international shipping fare from New Jersey to Japan, customs duties, and domestic shipping fare to our ware house [spelling] is $30.
More cost and time will be taken [wrong verb] if the items is [s-v agreement] returned back to your ware house [spelling].
Fortunately, the items with this color are popular with our customer [singular vs. plural]. So we propose to buy them with the price discounted [unnatural] the $30 from the original price. How aout [spelling] this proposal?
In case you need them to ship back [awkward], we need you to pay the return fare of $30, besides $ 30 spent [awkward] unitl [spelling] now .
Please let us know your decision and thank you.

備考: 米国の仕入先へのメールです