翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/10/09 11:04:33


これにより、商品未着率は大幅に改善され、Order Defect Rateも目標値である1%を下回る見込みです。




To solve the problem mentioned above, we will make our shipment system back to the one before, and will extract the customers' addresses by each customer on Amazon.
By doing so, the undelivered product rate will improve dramatically and the Order Defect Rate will go down below 1% which is our target.
At the same time, we will add the explanations mentioned below and help understand the package is sent by an international shipment.

If you think about anything that we should include into our reform measures, please let us know.
Also, would you be able to reactivate our Amazon account accordingly?

Thank you for your cooperation.

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 44
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2014/10/10 11:51:24

To solve the problem mentioned above, we will make our shipment system back to the one before, and will extract the customers' addresses by each customer on Amazon.
By doing so, the undelivered product rate will improve dramatically and the Order Defect Rate will go down below 1% which is our target.
At the same time, we will add the explanations mentioned below and help understand the package is sent by an international shipment.

If you think about anything that we should include into our reform measures, please let us know.
Also, would you be able to reactivate our Amazon account accordingly?

Thank you for your cooperation.

To solve the problem mentioned above, we will make our shipment system back to the one before, and will extract the customers' addresses by each customer on Amazon.
By doing so, the undelivered product rate will improve dramatically and the Order Defect Rate will go down below 1%, which is our target.
At the same time, we will add the explanations mentioned below and help understand the package is sent by an international shipment.

If you think of anything that we should include in our reform measures, please let us know.
Also, would you be able to reactivate our Amazon account accordingly?

Thank you for your cooperation.
