翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/08/09 02:00:21

satorin 50

What is the secret of this tiny country high up in the Pyrenees Mountains? Perhaps, its quiet location has created a relatively stress-free life-style which has made Andorra the world champion in the global competition for long life, at least according to the latest US Census Department estimates.
Dr. Albert is convinced that living in the mountains is , in general, healthier both for mind and body. "It is because we have this natural environment that we have such good health," he said.But even in this land-locked little country, times are changing and the older generation worries that the slow spread of fast food, video games, and the like, may have a negative impact on the length of life which people expect.


ピレネー山脈 の高いところに位置するこの小さい国には、どのような秘密が隠されているのだろうか?もしかすると、その静かな場所が、比較的ストレスフリーな生活環境を作り出たのかもしれない。少なくとも米国国勢調査局によれば、その生活環境が、アンドラ公国を国際的な競争に長い間勝ち続けさせたのだ。

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