翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 61 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2011/08/03 12:25:28

gloria 61 英語⇔日本語、スペイン語⇒日本語の翻訳が可能です。1990年代前半から英⇔...

Conglomerates rule, start-ups are too risky

Korea, an Asian Tiger economy has been one of the most impressive, fastest growing economies since the 1960’s. Hit very hard during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, the country experienced a phoenix like rebirth to achieve the world’s 15th highest nominal GDP.

Like its neighbour, Taiwan, much of this explosive growth is due to the industrial manufacturing sector. Interestingly Korea is the leading ship building producer, driven by conglomerates like Hyundai and Daewoo, which are better known for making automobiles. But by far the most well known Korean multi-national is Samsung.





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