翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / 0 Reviews / 2014/06/20 20:06:13





I went to see it when i travel there with my family. I selected this one, because I wanted to see something different after seeing several different shows. Anyhow, it was really good to see this.
When I talked about this to my colleagues back in my office, one of them, who had already seen this, told me 'It was interesting.'
It's fun for me to compare several different shows.

[I enjoyed it very much]
Unique performances and expression by actors excited the activity furthermore. Among the audience, there were some children kept clapping their hands from the beginning to the end. I got to know why they kept doing that at the end of the show, but it would be a secret right?

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備考: 韓国のショーの体験談です