翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/06/19 11:38:37


Showroom【Cheeky Paradeのチィキス開発会議】Vol.3

Showroom【Cheeky Paradeのチィキス開発会議】



Announcement on an upcoming program; Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting" vol.3

Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting"

The program will be held on May 21st (Thu) 7:00pm.
Here is the URL.
(Note: the URL is disabled until the on-air day)

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 52 Hello! I have been living oversea ...
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/06/26 22:56:36

Announcement on an upcoming program; Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting" vol.3

Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting"

The program will be held on May 21st (Thu) 7:00pm.
Here is the URL.
(Note: the URL is disabled until the on-air day)

Announcement on an upcoming program; Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting" vol.3

Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting"

The program will be held on May 21st (Wed) 19:00~
Here is the URL.
(Note: the URL is disabled until the on-air day)

備考: アーティスト名は「Cheeky Parade」に統一下さい。全角文字は半角文字に置き換えてください。