翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/06/09 18:55:09

yosuke-oshida 52 I've been interested in languages, le...

・好きなプランを選んで Continue to next step を押してみよう

All Gone! というのはサポート人数を限定されたプランで既に定員に達した物です、なので選べません。


* Choose any plan and click Continue to Next Step

All Gone! means that the number of supporters has reached to the quota, so you can't choose it.
$14 plan only for three wires
$23 plan for three wires and wire stripping gauge
$39 plan for nine wires and wire stripping gauge
$51 plan for wire stripping gauge and wire stripper
$59 plan for nine wires, wire stripping gauge and wire stripper

レビュー ( 1 )

kazue_ishikawa 51 イギリスでの留学経験を生かしてメーカーや国際協力機関で通訳や翻訳を5年間担...
kazue_ishikawaはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/06/10 17:28:10

* Choose any plan and click Continue to Next Step

All Gone! means that the number of supporters has reached to the quota, so you can't choose it.
$14 plan only for three wires
$23 plan for three wires and wire stripping gauge
$39 plan for nine wires and wire stripping gauge
$51 plan for wire stripping gauge and wire stripper
$59 plan for nine wires, wire stripping gauge and wire stripper

* Choose any plan you like and click Continue to Next Step

All Gone! means that the number of supporters and has reached to the quota, so you can't choose it.
$14 plan only for three wires
$23 plan for three wires and wire stripping gauge
$39 plan for nine wires and wire stripping gauge
$51 plan for wire stripping gauge and wire stripper
$59 plan for nine wires, wire stripping gauge and wire stripper


備考: いくつかの文章を箇条書きにしてあります。