翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 59 / 1 Review / 2014/03/21 21:56:51

phloan2190 59 Currently assigned as a language tuto...


コスプレイヤーさんの中にはコスプレイベント会場への移動に キャリーケースを使われる方が多いです。 通常のキャリーケースでは、武器などの長ものの持ち運びに不便だったり 狭い会場で開け閉めの操作をしづらかったりと、 不便な点が多々ありました。 あるレイヤーさんのツィートをきっかけとして、私達はこの不便を解消するための キャリーカートを作ることにしました。


Plan and challenge
It is still too early to disclose our plan... so we will introduce our current venture.

Among cosplayers, there are many who use a carry cart when they travel to the cosplay event site. The normal carry cart suffers many inconveniences, unsuitable to keep objects with length like weapons and difficult to handle in narrow venues. Inspired by a certain cosplayer's tweet, we decided to build a carry cart that can improve such inconvenience.

レビュー ( 1 )

shinnosuke 50 みなさん。 はじめまして。 Shinnosukeと申します。 ...
shinnosukeはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/03/22 00:09:25

Plan and challenge
It is still too early to disclose our plan... so we will introduce our current venture.

Among cosplayers, there are many who use a carry cart when they travel to the cosplay event site. The normal carry cart suffers many inconveniences, unsuitable to keep objects with length like weapons and difficult to handle in narrow venues. Inspired by a certain cosplayer's tweet, we decided to build a carry cart that can improve such inconvenience.

Plan and challenge
It is still too early to explain our plan... so we will introduce our current venture.

Many of cosplayers use a carry cart when they go to the cosplay event. The normal carry cart has many inconveniences, unsuitable to keep objects with long length like weapons and difficult to handle in narrow venues. Inspired by a certain cosplayer's tweet, we decided to create a carry cart that can improve such inconvenience.

備考: http://frentrep.com/