翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/05/28 05:18:54

cocoa 50

1. Asked about Facebook's role in the upheaval in the Middle East, he played down Facebook's impact significantly, saying "My own opinion is that it would be incredibly arrogant for any technology company to claim any significant role in this." It was great because it was both 1- a way to reassure Chinese leaders as Facebook tries to get a toehold there; 2- a swipe at Twitter, which likes to gloat about its alleged role in the uprisings.

2. Sounding almost like Eric Schmidt, he said that Facebook isn't a monopoly, that MySpace was once bigger than them and they beat them and the internet is very competitive. Read: don't regulate us!


1. 中東における政変でFacebookが果たした役割について尋ねられ、Zuckerberg氏は、Facebookが与えた影響については控えめに評価し、次のように述べた。

2.Eric Schmidt氏を髣髴とさせるが、Zuckerberg氏は、Facebookは独占企業ではない、MySpaceは一時Facebookを上回ったが、Facebookが勝利を収めたのであり、インターネット業界における競争は熾烈を極めている、と述べた。つまり、「Facebookを規制するな!」と言外にほのめかした。

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