翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/05/04 16:44:26


あなたからFrance GallのPoupee DE Sonを購入したが、違う破損した商品が来ました。
私が注文したのはASIN: B0000DEO69 のPoupee DE Sonです。
あなたが発送したのはASIN: B000007U3G のPoupee DE Sonです。


I have ordered "Poupee DE Son" by Franec Gall, but you sent me a different product and it was broken. While I did order the Poupee DE Son with ASIN: B0000DEO69, you did ship the one with a different ASIN number (ASIN: B000007U3G).

I would like to return the one because of the combined reasons of the wrong ASIN number and the condition of the product, and I need you to return the amount I have already paid to you. Please notify me the procedure of this case as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your prompt cooperation in advance.

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