翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/04/21 19:22:55


What accounts for the steep drop in numbers? While there hasn't been a major news event in April to help traffic spike, it's not as though we're comparing March numbers to those from a particularly great month. As you can see in the chart, the number of unique visitors across each site held roughly steady between November and January.
The last time I spoke to a member of Gawker's team, I was told that the site is built using Ajax (Javascript and XML) and, when users realize this and scroll through using keys (j/k) to move from one post to the next, Gawker's system doesn't register each of those posts as a new pageview.


数の急落の原因は何でしょう? 特によかった3月と比べてみると、人の往来を急増させるような大きなニュースが4月にはありませんでした。チャートを見ておわかりのとおり各サイトの訪問者数は11月から1月の間ほぼ同じです。

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